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  1. M

    choke on very high idel

    What is you rpm's at full choke and what is your rpm's at half choke. So I can get an idea of what it should be. And thanks for the reply.
  2. M

    choke on very high idel

    Hi my XS 400 runs fine but when cold and I apply full choke it have extremely high RPM's around 4000 or higher. What is causing that? too much air? There is no adjustment right?
  3. M

    cafe racer

    I have a xs400 that I turned into a cafe racer. It is only going to be kick start no starter. Does anyone know if I can run this battery? (click on link below) It has a built in protection for over charging. My concern is will it handle the ignition coils? because everything else is led not...
  4. M


    I have a 1980 xs400 and would like to know if anyone ran a very small battery just for kick start and running small turn signals and lights, cafe racer style. Please let me know what type of battery to use without having to modify the charging system. Thanks
  5. M


    I just bought a Yamaha and I believe its an xs400 but not sure. The tag is all faded out the vin# is 14v 001448 and on the engine it says 391cm. The funny thing it has front drum brakes ( twin leading ) Cannot find anything on the vin. Can anyone tell me what year this bike is.