Search results

  1. stillwater

    Fuel tank edge trim? Yes or no

    My fix for this, is after refinishing the metal and paint, go to the local auto parts store and get enough vacuum hose to cover the edge, use a size small enough that it will fit snugly. lay the hose flat , tape down and using an ex-acto blade knife cut a long slit the length of the hose...
  2. stillwater

    rear sprocket swap question

    Thought I would add that ones I've found supposedly also fit the earlier XS250 and XS360 models, some of them anyway if that helps. Wondering if the '79 had a one-off setup or something.
  3. stillwater

    rear sprocket swap question

    Looking to increase top speeds & drop rpm for interstate travel on my XS400-2. I found a Sprocket on eBay, seller says it will fit 1980, 1981 Yamaha XS400 Would it fit a 1979? Or, how could I get it to fit properly? :umm:
  4. stillwater

    79 to 82 fender swap... fit?

    Just found a front fender off a 1982 Yamaha XS400J for sale... Will this bolt right onto my 79 XS400-2 ?? wanting to switch from chrome to painted fenders. If that one won't fit, do any other painted fenders swap over? Thanks
  5. stillwater

    what powerband does the XS run?

    The pic is of a bike just like mine, when it was in good condition. Mine needs considerable work. Trying to get some helpful info about what I want to do with mine. :pimp:
  6. stillwater

    what powerband does the XS run?

    Anyone know what the powerband is for a stock '79 XS 400-2 ?? Guess I could call Crower, they're gonna grind me a midrange power Cam for it. Was hoping someone here may know...
  7. stillwater

    what powerband does the XS run?

    Looking to do a lot of mods to my '79 XS400-2. To go turbo, N2O, cam, etc. I need to know what powerband the bike runs in Stock form, and what powerband I may expect from a modded bike.. Suggestions? :umm:
  8. stillwater

    Aftermarket air filters

    Thanks! I was concerned about airflow as well, on cars it seems anytime air is forced directly into the carb, it causes more trouble than good. They have always pulled better air from the side/back. As if pulling water in wouldn't be bad enough! :smoke:
  9. stillwater

    Aftermarket air filters

    Been looking @ K&N Air Filters for my XS. What experience does anyone here have with them?... There are many different ones available. My concern is- The open element ones, Are they affected by rain? Don't know much about that situation. I've used them on cars well enough, but being protected...
  10. stillwater

    16'' wheels on a '79

    I recently found it mentioned somewhere, about 16" wheels for a 79 XS400...Didn't realize any were made this size for that bike. Just wondering, are they mag-style (I hope), or spokes? Could see this smaller diameter wheel giving better acceleration and lowering the bike a bit as well. Did they...
  11. stillwater

    Free - 1978 XS400 plus parts

    I'd be interested in the frame and seat, I'll wait and see if they're still around lol
  12. stillwater

    Wanted - 79 XS frame

    Looking for an unmolested, complete stock frame for my '79 XS400-2. thanks
  13. stillwater

    For Sale - Project bike parts for sale

    do you still have the frame? and if so, how much $$
  14. stillwater

    For Sale - Parting out complete Black 81 XS-400

    How much for the frame? And seat, if you still have them. I live an hour west of you...
  15. stillwater

    For Sale - 79 xs400 parts

    I am interested in the frame and the seat, please send me a pm and prices. thanks
  16. stillwater

    Frames, what fits?

    What different years/models/ etc. Frames are interchangeable w/ @ 1979 XS400-2 ?... Mine has been cut in the back to make a bobber with, then previous owner changed their mind... Thanks :)
  17. stillwater

    Sprocket question

    Maybe you can switch front and rear sprocket together if necessary, to keep chain the right size. I don't know for sure, just a thought.