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  1. arm

    1978 Yamaha XS400 full tune up

    Hey guys, I'm back after a month or so as I was on vacation in pakistan! out there my uncle introduced me to a buddy of his who helped honda solve an issue on the Asian models of their 125cc bikes where they would randomly shutoff, point being, the dude knew his stuff. I showed him my bike...
  2. arm

    1978 Yamaha XS400 full tune up

    Just to make sure i understand correctly This is the cam? and yes i think it is off since at LT its at the bottom rather then the top This part confused me a fair bit, is there any video or picture that points out the caps for the valve adjustment? Is this similar to your last response where i...
  3. arm

    1978 Yamaha XS400 full tune up

    Thanks for the tip! Yes I been setting it to LT whenever I do any work but I'll make sure that it's on its compression stroke using your method. And yes the bike did run when I bought it, I actually drove it home. I've been riding it around here and there but to my suprise, only on one...
  4. arm

    1978 Yamaha XS400 full tune up

    In this video at the 49 minute mark I noticed how he can rotate the cam gear. Im guessing I need to take off the upper motor mount and the top part of the motor to get to that?
  5. arm

    1978 Yamaha XS400 full tune up

    Hey all! I'm finally done my exams and back to wrenching at this bike. I wanted to reinstall the points based system all the way from the start so I tore it all down and the first instruction was to get the engine into the "LT" position. After doing that the camshaft locating pin has a small...
  6. arm

    New Member from Canada

    Hopefully the only thing left is making sure that both coils are sparking instead of only 1. Because of this the bikes at 40-50% of its original power so going from idle to moving is a 50/50 chance of either stalling or moving really slow. Besides that I mean Ive rebuilt the carbs and and the...
  7. arm

    New Member from Canada

    60 a month???? my god i dont think I've ever seen such cheap insurance, it probably cost more to insure a lawnmower here in Ontario. guess ill find out once the resto is done :bed:
  8. arm

    New Member from Canada

    Oh man, i gotta visit that side of Canada its breathtaking man, im out here in Ontario. Yeah the XS is nice but mine is limping on one cylinder, cant wait to get it roaring again and get my M2 done for this next season. hoping insurance is cheap on these things 🙏
  9. arm

    1978 Yamaha XS400 full tune up

    Update: So the previous owner routed the wires from the ignition system to some wire that then went into the coil, I thought that was weird so I unplugged them and wired the ignition straight into the coils. Still, no luck, only one spark plug is firing and the other isn't. So now I'm thinking...
  10. arm

    1978 Yamaha XS400 full tune up

    Update on the XS, I found this amazing video for exactly the same points-based system by Brick House Builds. I been keeping up with his xs400 build and when I was debugging this issue I came across this video In his video I noticed this You can see the plate with the PCBs has a notch at 12...
  11. arm

    New Member from Canada

    Another Canadian :cheers:. that bike is a beauty! Are those roads in BC? so scenic
  12. arm

    Float height and other adjustments

    ah, interesting, In one of my posts (that's insanely long at this point) a user suggested 26mm and so far this forum has been correct about everything and yup, I no longer have fuel flowing out of my air boxes either. And yes your right, the float height is important since its job is to push...
  13. arm

    Float height and other adjustments

    Hi yeah, I put in the new floats and adjusted the tang to be 26mm from the top of the float to area where the gasket sits. I found a mixture of information, some people said 32mm some people on here said 26mm so I stuck with 26mm and hoped to god I wouldn't have to take off my carbs again. I...
  14. arm

    1978 Yamaha XS400 full tune up

    I think i opened up the right part of the bike, here's a video on it Link It looks to be clean and new, nothing wrong with any of the contacts so I'm really scratching my head as to what it could be, maybe cable is broken? maybe its something near the battery since that's where the orange...
  15. arm

    1978 Yamaha XS400 full tune up

    Nah that coil pack was for sure done, had burn marks on the under side of it and was spitting out this wax like material, not sure if it was hot glue from the previous owner or some sort of insulation. The TCI box and pickup coil, would you happen to have a picture for them and how I can begin...
  16. arm

    1978 Yamaha XS400 full tune up

    The new coil came in but i think there is a bigger issue at hand So here's how the bike was originally Highlighted in blue is the old coil pack and it had a orange and red cable, the orange cable connected to another orange cable that is wrapped up in the wiring harness and the red cable from...
  17. arm

    1978 Yamaha XS400 full tune up

    Ah i see, what is that part called and would you happen to know where I can pickup a new one for the left side since that seems to be the culprit
  18. arm

    1978 Yamaha XS400 full tune up

    New discovery! I pulled the spark plug from the left cylinder of the bike and put it against the engine and no spark, I bought some new plugs and tested it again on the left side of the bike and still no spark. I then tested the new spark on the right side of the bike and sure enough there's...
  19. arm

    1978 Yamaha XS400 full tune up

    I think this bike is the gift that keeps giving, one of the two ehaust pipes is cold when I ran the bike today :wtf: here's a quick video of the bike as it stands any help would be appreciated!
  20. arm

    Project: Simple Gear Indicator

    Wow, thats some real engineering! If u ever make a write up I think ill add it to my bike too since I always seem to forget which gear I'm in. Ive also seen some aftermarket gauges (not sure if its plug and play) but yeah, I definitely could use more info when riding!