
  1. RazeOrion

    Turn Signal Troubleshooting

    Finally, a return to posting and working on my bike. It's been a couple months, which is a couple months too long. 1980 XS400SG I've gone through the trouble of testing all the wiring that has anything to do with the turn signals. From end to end, the small gauge wiring has connection. I'm...
  2. S

    '77 XS360 Backfiring above 5000 rpm + other issues

    EDIT: I think I found the issue, the new battery I installed is bad. For the life of me I cannot figure this out. Sorry for the long read but I feel like I should include everything I did, which is a lot. I recently replaced the coils on my Yamaha (1977 XS360) because the bike didn't really...
  3. The Wang

    Electrical issue?

    I replaced the starter solenoid, and fuses. Now the neutral/brake/oil indicators don't light up, and it wont turn over with the electric starter. I tried kicking it but couldnt get it going (I sprayed fuel into the carb throats, and then straight into the cylinder) Any help appreciated
  4. Chase Power

    Electrical bugs i really need help with

    Alright so this is my first post, i have a 1983 maxim xs400 and its a bit of a project bobber, im haveing some electrical issues come up that i havent been able to figire out in 4 years, the previous owner had only "shorten" the harness whatever that means and changed the taillights hook which...
  5. H

    Starter replacement for Yamaha xs400 Maxim

    Hello, I think I have a 1984 Yamaha maxim xs400 DOHC YICS. I had intermittent starting problems where the bike would not crank, and swore it was the battery because it went dead trying to start it. The bike has a new battery now and I jumped the starter solenoid and still nothing. The bike...
  6. J

    XS400 Electrical Questions

    So I’ve found an XS 400 local for $300. The seller believes there’s a short somewhere in the wiring, they claim they were riding when it happened and they actually got shocked and then the bike died and has no power to anything now (assuming whatever happened popped the main fuse) You guys...
  7. jvdavidson

    Carbs or Coils...or something else???

    Hello everyone, haven't been here in a while because I haven't really putzed around with my XS400 for a few years. I've got a '78 XS400-2E that I had running exquisitely back in 2016 until I started having electrical issues - basically the original mechanical voltage regulator was fighting me...
  8. anonymosaurus_RXS

    Electrical Video

    Hey y'all. Not sure if this has been posted before but I found this video by Yamaha thats all about electronics, specifically motorcycles. if you're like me and never gave a shit about this in school, but are fascinated by it now, this is for you. likewise, if you want some clarification on...
  9. J

    1982 Maxim XS400 blowing main fuse

    So i was riding about a month ago, going over a hill when my bike died out on me. Pull over, tear it apart, find the main fuse blown. Replace the fuse, blows instantly as soon as I turn the key. I then found a melted connector under the gas tank, so i walked the bike about a kilometer home and...
  10. A

    HELP - Right cylinder not advancing...

    Hey guys. So I just bought a XS 400 SECA from 1983. When I bought the bike it hesitated in the mid-range acceleration. I figured that it was just a carb adjustment. But no! After checking the spark plugs I found that the right sparkplug was very sooty (running rich) and the left was perfect...
  11. W

    Relay testing? & replacement

    So I recently bought a 1981 XS400H with some pretty catastrophic electrical issues and have been gradually rewiring with a new harness and checking all the components individually. I have yet to give much thought to the two relays listed simply as "safety relay" and "relay" in the wiring...
  12. W

    Electrical system rebuild

    Hi all, Firstly, I'm new to both this site and motorcycle repair in general, so please excuse my probable lack of knowledge. I picked up a 1981 XS400 Special II last week, and it looks to have some pretty severe electrical issues - the insulation on the wiring harness is burned, as are the...
  13. G

    No Crank and No Spark HELP!

    I have a 1981 xs400 and had gotten it running after replacing the wiring harness. After riding for about 3 hours it decided to just up and die. Tried kick starting it but there is no spark, and the starter solenoid does not click when pushing the button. I tested the solenoid and it does work...
  14. H

    Aftermarket Left-hand Switches Wiring HELP PLEASE

    This is my very first motorcycle project. I bought this aftermarket device for my turn signals, headlight, and horn control. It only has 8 wires while the original setup on my 1982 XS400s has 10 wires. However, they serve the same function (except the original blinker switch comes back to the...
  15. nuke

    Electrical system change - cables sizes?

    Hi guys. I'm about to change the entire electrical installation of my XS400SE ('81). I was trying to find some info on the size of the cables, but wasn't able to find such anywhere. In Hynes is not written, too. Using some calculators online it appears that for the headlight (50Watts on 12...
  16. DjSky96

    Looking for pickup coils (83 XS400K)

    The pickup coils are way out of spec on my 1983 XS400K and I am having a hard time finding OEM part numbers or aftermarket options, can anybody point me in the right direction?
  17. B

    Regulator rectifier confusion.

    Heylo. The skinny: I built a cafe racer, eitrd from scratch, burnt out two batteries. I have a combo reg/rec purchased from Ricks. My bike is a 1981 xs400 heritage special. My R.R has 3 white wires, which I ran to the white wires on the R.R, 1 green to the magnet? A brown wire that...
  18. DjSky96

    Desperately need new TCI box "TID12-07"

    As the title states, I'm desperately in need of a new TCI unit for my '83 XS400k. She's my only vehicle and I work 30 minutes away and the route takes me on a 70mph freeway for a large portion of the ride. I guess should tell you what symptoms I'm experiencing before I go off about how I've...
  19. M

    XS400 ultimate electrical defunkification project

    (The day it was dropped off at my shop) (Current state) Hello everyone, I’m new here so I will introduce myself and my 400 project. I inherited this project from a overwhelmed friend and decided to use it as a little learning project. I’ve owned a dozen or so vintage bikes and just always...
  20. J

    Won't start... Electrical issue?

    The bike was running just fine about 2 months ago. It would almost always start with little to no trouble and would run fine for the most part. After a series of projects that I've been working on I put everything back together and now I can't get ANYTHING. I'm getting absolutely nothing from...