Battery charging

This person has a bike that is a year closer to yours. He recommended a Napa Model. I will let you look at his thread, I don't know if there is s a difference between the Napa model and mine. I do whole heartly recommend the pigtails. If like the orielly model, It would be alot of xtra work, you don't need to do, if a 2 dollar pigtail fixes the connectivivty for theReg. in other words look at it before leaving the store. and know you can do it!

awesome, found the part on napa. thanks so much!
If you can find the pig tail, it will water proof that connection point. Keep looking though old threads, perhaps there is no difference between the two. Perhaps the Oriely pig tail will fit?
If you can find the pig tail, it will water proof that connection point. Keep looking though old threads, perhaps there is no difference between the two. Perhaps the Oriely pig tail will fit?

i went to napa and got the napa #vr38sb regulator. Guy said he cannot get a pigtail for that part? So as of now I am deciding the best way forward. Here is a pic of where a pigtail would connect...
again all and any help i greatly appreciate. Went on a couple short rides today, but thats with a new fully charged battery.

edit: looking back at the pigtail I believe you posted, the BWD absolutely looks like it will fit, and Im assuming the regulator will work the same with no issues if wire correctly...


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That is my thought too. I figure if I make a big deal out of it, It will be come enlighten. Sometimes it seems some people don't read the posts.
in that same thread, I posted all the info for the pigtail. Oriellys web site is usually really good at letting you konw if they have the part local to you. $11. bucks when I posted.
yeah, sorry, I know im asking questions that I can read post and find answers. Just wanting to make sure. Think I'm good now. thanks for all the help.