Complete electrical failure & Fire Help please im going insane


XS400 Enthusiast
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basically the story is i bought a lovely little XS250 soft tail bobber of the good ol' site of chance ebay and it ran perfect for around 3 weeks untill the lights would flicker and die , eventually i found it to be a dodgy scotch clip fuse holder the previous Owner fitted ( claimed he had a great knowledge of the xs's Ha) anyway the lights worked for around 10 minutes took it down the road and they failed all except the brake light , and the indicators would just stay on , then only the rear left side failed , so i carried on using it during the day and then out of no where it coughed and spluttered a few times and attempting to start it i had no power , i found the problem to be the voltage regulator ( 3 wire Not the reg/rec) and i replaced it and it then the indicator flasher relay wire had burnt out and come loose ( didnt bother to fix it ) and then all the lights seem to have gremlins , no brake light switch worked , the pilot light worked and the dipped beam didnt yet the main did , then it went of fire and it still ran ( a real little fighter ) and it remained as stated no indicators no brake light switch working and dodgy headlights and ran fine then it didnt start atall the next day! No iv got my new voltage regulator and started doing some tests , the horn works , the headlight works on pilot & Main only , the tail light works ( But not when braking ) but it doesnt spark and wont run , the ignition switch has really fried wires and there is no power to the coils , im reading 12.6-13.9 volt at the ignition switch and voltage regulator aswell as reg/rec ! any one have any ideas also its had all idoit lights removed and the tachometer and now running a 5inch light with no pilot / Side light in it

If anyone has a wiring diagram to help me as all i need on the bike are the following from front to back:
Headlight - Dipped & main
Handle bar switches - Standard
Ignition switch
Coils x2
Self canceling unit
Voltage regulator
Starter motor
starter solenoid
Fuse box
Brake/tail light ( 3 Wire tombstone style )
Rear indicators
and any other vital electrical components the bike needs cheers


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from that list, you've just listed everything on an XS.

that's year is a bit late for an '84 (usually dohc)

I've seen an NOS loom on Ebay that would probably be the best start and if you do a search, you'll find wiring diagrams galore! check you have contacts or electronic ignition

400's and 250's share the same electrics too.

BTW welcome to the forum