Fuel tank edge trim? Yes or no


XS400 New Member
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Cowichan Valley
Hello! I recently got an '83 xs400 maxim and am refurbishing it since it has that classic west coast damage of rust and salt stains. I was wondering about the edge of the fuel tank, if the bike originally came with a sort of trim? Where the top and bottom part of the fuel tank is welded together, it's become rusty and the paint is flaking, so I was planning on sanding it down, painting the whole thing, and adding some trim, probably rubber black. Any suggestions?
Hello! I recently got an '83 xs400 maxim and am refurbishing it since it has that classic west coast damage of rust and salt stains. I was wondering about the edge of the fuel tank, if the bike originally came with a sort of trim? Where the top and bottom part of the fuel tank is welded together, it's become rusty and the paint is flaking, so I was planning on sanding it down, painting the whole thing, and adding some trim, probably rubber black. Any suggestions?
My fix for this, is after refinishing the metal and paint, go to the local auto parts store and get enough vacuum hose to cover the edge, use a size small enough that it will fit snugly. lay the hose flat , tape down and using an ex-acto blade knife cut a long slit the length of the hose. Un-tape from the table, and squeeze the hose over the edge of the tank. This should protect the edge sufficiently.