History of the Yamaha XS400

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Perfect! Thank you so much BBS360. This will help me greatly, I'm new to the world of mechanics so this will be a major step forward.

Hopefully i'll be riding by spring/summer now :D
Hey guys need some help my 1981 xs400 cuts out when hot and is a bit of a sod to start again any ideas? Thanks in a advance
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I have a Canadian imported (into the UK) 1982 XS400J Maxim. The number stamped into the headstock is 12R-005177 has anyone any information about where this bike was imported from, within Canada? Thats all of the information, I have about my bike, apart from the UK registration number, and that it's taxed, insured, and MoT'd, for use on British roads!
Any help would be greatly appreciated

I don't think the VIN itself would narrow down anything like which province it came from. Yamaha might have records about which vins were sent where but it'd probably be difficult to get ahold of them.

Every province handles their vehicles registrations separately and differently. If you really need the information you could probably submit forms by mail to each province's authority to try to get information.

Unfortunately I know Alberta at least won't release any information to out-of-province individuals.
Some provinces may not have records going back far enough.

Would the UK vehicle authority have records on file from when it was imported?
Hey guys need some help my 1981 xs400 cuts out when hot and is a bit of a sod to start again any ideas? Thanks in a advance
Step one is to make your own thread. This one is for History/VIN info.
When you're looking at the list of threads in The Garage, click the button that says Post New Thread.
I don't think the VIN itself would narrow down anything like which province it came from. Yamaha might have records about which vins were sent where but it'd probably be difficult to get ahold of them.

Every province handles their vehicles registrations separately and differently. If you really need the information you could probably submit forms by mail to each province's authority to try to get information.

Unfortunately I know Alberta at least won't release any information to out-of-province individuals.
Some provinces may not have records going back far enough.

Would the UK vehicle authority have records on file from when it was imported?
Know when it was imported/registered, for UK roads. That was back in 2002, and has had three owner's in England, before myself! IF the area governments can't/wont, give out that sort of information? It looks like the end of my quest, almost before it's really started?

Thank's for the information!

Hi everyone. I have scored a 1981 xs400 sh Vin starts with 4t4 ,Curious as to the SH at the end.I assume is a special But the H? not sure. Just payed 200$ for the bike. Its complete has crash bars and a luggage rack saddle bags . The bike has no dents and tank is ok. It has not been ridden since 2008 it sat 10 years It did see 1 wet winter left out side. moldy dirty and full of all that fun stuff to do .Looking forward to this build . Not to sure on the Nature of the build wont be Built up with new parts.So shiny chrome.Nope wont be happening but the motor looks like it could buff up to something with a bright shine.well ill stop typing and post pictures tomorrow .Looking forward to this winter project that take up the living room next to the Tree, ps. its real ugly blue and black .. but all there parts wise and has registration papers
Model codes

1L9 XS360C '76
1M0 XS250C '76
1T6 XS360
1U4 XS360 '77 EUR.
1U5 XS250 '77 EUR.
2A2 XS400D '77
2G5 XS400SE '78
2J0 XS400 '78 EUR.
2L0 XS250F '79
2N1 XS400-2E '78
2V6 XS400-2F '79
2W2 XS400 '78
2Y2 XS250F '79
2LO should be a 79 xs400E


  • yamaha_model_codes.pdf
    2.7 MB · Views: 1,111
Picked up an 82 XS400 of some variety yesterday. From a quick read this morning it looks to have separate engine and frame VINs. Frame says 15G - 002 and engine says 15G-040. There's a YICS stamp on the engine, so fairly certain a DOHC. Does that mean it's not the 382cc but instead a 399? The PO once removed apparently spent a couple years turning it into a Cafe style. I wouldn't be surprised if someone on here recognizes the bike. If so, let me know where I can find any previous threads with info. I will post a new thread, but I think I need to put in 5 or so posts before that's allowed. Appreciate any insight on the VINs re what model this is a combination of.
For some reason this thread has been attracting a lot of spam (that has been deleted), so I've closed it for now. If someone has something good to add, start a private conversation with me and I'll reopen it.
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