How to widen the swingarm, or make an SR 500 wheel fit


XS400 Member
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I am trying to fit a SR 500 spoked wheel into my XS 400
Besides looking better than the cast wheels, the Sr 500 has a much more modern damper for the rear sprocket.

I had been told that the SR wheel just slides in, which of course wasn't the case. A little bit of research and I found this data on the swingarms:

SR 500:
Inner width without tensioner: 212mm
XS 400:
Inner width without tensioner: 198mm

...14mm difference! Not good, not terrible...

Problem is: I can't just get rid of spacers, only the ones on the right side are separate.

So only one question remains: How can I widen the swing arm? Unfortunaly it is already powdercoated and in great condition. So I either must not damage it or have to make it nice again after the work is finished
Mounting is one Point, the main Point is getting both chain wheels and the chain in one or in the correct line

First check that before widen the swing arm

Not good running chain cost about 3 Horse Power

I have some paints from the swing arms, i will load them up the coming days for you

did you check the german forum about the other wheels
I had been told that the SR 500 wheels should just drop in, which ist why I didn't check for more information :(
The wheels I have are perfect, so I am willing to put some effort into making them fit..

Only other options are RD wheel which only come with steel rims or original XS spoked wheels, also steel and not available in Europe
Thanks for the sketches! Do you have any info on the sketches on the second page of the xs swingarm?

Do you by any chance have measurements of the original XS wheel? Unfortunately I don't have mine anymore
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I measured my SR 500 rear hub and made a quick sketch in CAD to see how everything fits together:


In the SR 500, the rear sprocket middle plane is offset 85mm from the middle plane of the bike/the wheel.

Can someone measure their XS? The measurement I need is this distance + thickness of the rear sprocket


To line up the SR wheel in the XS swingarm, I have to widen it by~10mm