Took it out for a spin around the block. The front had a weird rhythmic thing going on. Took the wheel to a shop I frequent.
Shop guy was like "That looks like a wheel off your free bike". And then, once he put it on a truing stand - "Holy shit".
So, the rim was shot. I ebayed a wheel for $60, which is hella not bad.
I also decided to get a centerstand. That would make all this stuff easier. Went to put on the centerstand. Had to pull the muffler for that.
In the process of pulling the muffler broke two exhaust studs. Welder to the rescue.
Old studs out, new studs in. Exhaust back on.
Meanwhile the wheel showed up. And then, suddenly, the plate.
So, lo and behold, it is street legal.
Made a parts run on it today.