Willem you are correct everything you mention I checked except checking to see if I have continueity to kill switch.
It could also be the battery because it was low and I added some distilled water,then it dropped in voltage.So I charged it up to 13.7 volts this was about a month ago.I put it in the bike yesterday and it wasn't holding a charge.So I dumped some of the water out about half.I refilled with battery acid and checked the voltage.It read at 8volts.So I charged it back to 13.7 volts then hit the estart button nothing except the lights were getting dim.Also I tried jumping the solenoid and got no spark at all.Then I took the solenoid off and cleaned off the terminals.I put it back on then I was able to jump it and get the bike to turn over but it was slow like the battery wasn't fully charged.
Also on the solenoid Im wondering theres a terminal that's silver and a wire that's silver.Im assuming these are ground?The other side with has the positive wire going to it has another wire that's brass which I connected to the brass terminal on the solenoid.That wire also has a protective rubber cover on it just like the positive wire going to the battery.Before I took and disconnected I marked hot and ground so I could remember what wire went where.
As for the switch there are two red wires inside there I checked contenueity which they both had power according to my test light.
At this point key on switch on enricher on hit the button nothing happened.I`ll take and have a load test done on the battery today and see if my battery is just dying,afriend /neighbor I talked to yesterday also mentioned to me about having a fully charged battery but voltage dropped significantly when a load was put on it.Other than that Im drawing a blank on why the switch wont work