Intro and Build

I was thinking about having some colour in the frame Drew and going bare metal with the tank...maybe...

That could now be out the window as I've managed to trip over my tool bag and knock the frame over, which just happened to land on my tank and put a sharp little dent in the front.

Shit...2 years this thing has been in my bedroom with no problems. The day before I take it out to get powdered I knock it over and knacker my tank :wtf:

I've got some stuff called Owatrol Oil (Penetrol in US, AUS etc) that I'm going to try on the bare bits. Had an email discussion with the bloke from Holiday Customs in Oregon who produces some lovely bikes with bare parts and it's what he uses to keep the rust at bay.

I think I'm just going to turn up at the power coaters, look at a few samples and just make some random choice there and then, lol :shrug:
FFS Cad, what yer like. that's the trouble with long term builds.

my tracker fell over while I was spannering, but luckily it was light enough to gently drop it and the clutch window was yet to be fitted!

that Owatrol Oil sounds interesting, its £23 on ebay but says don't mix with automotive paint! ( but they have other stuff that does)
Hi Cad likeing the build, looks like it's all coming together really well.

I like the look of those rear shocks you got there was thinking about something similar myself to give the rear end a little bit of hight.

Could you tell me what make are they? how long? and where did you get them from?:wink2:
Hey Large, the forks are an old Italian set of MX forks from a company called Paioli. They are around 400mm centre to centre and I got them from some guy on ebay. My swingarm has been stretched 3 inch so the regular length forks brought the frame too close to the wheel, that's why they had to be so long. I also had problems with the rear mounted number plate hitting the wheel as well.

Not sure if that hepls much....I had some 350mm (maybe 375mm?) Hagons from a Z1000 before the swingarm was stretched and they were perfect for pushing up the rear a little bit. I looked at loads of places trying to find some shocks the right length, measure up what you think you need and let me know and I might be able to tell you where to find some. I still have the Hagons I think if they would be any use to you :shrug:
I've got some stuff called Owatrol Oil (Penetrol in US, AUS etc) that I'm going to try on the bare bits. Had an email discussion with the bloke from Holiday Customs in Oregon who produces some lovely bikes with bare parts and it's what he uses to keep the rust at bay.
hey Cad, do you know if this stuff is sprayed on in one or more coats or do you just wipe it on with a rag and hope it "penetrates" the metal enough to stop rust from forming?
Not sure if that hepls much....I had some 350mm (maybe 375mm?) Hagons from a Z1000 before the swingarm was stretched and they were perfect for pushing up the rear a little bit. I looked at loads of places trying to find some shocks the right length, measure up what you think you need and let me know and I might be able to tell you where to find some. I still have the Hagons I think if they would be any use to you :shrug:

hey CAd, I'm not happy with my current shocks and you have a set of hagons. looking for 14" (360mm) to replace what I have ATM.

PM me is you want to trade or sell!

come on you guy's, get your shit together :D

my project has stalled to the point that i havent even looked at it for 2 months :banghead: covered up in the garden

life has been up in the air ..wife had a big op so worked at home for 2 months but the free time i thought i'd get didn't materialise , got burgled (bastards!) , smashed the car up, work has been manic as i'm doing 2-3 peoples jobs ,been on a diet so i'm a bit tetchy ha ha ,had to do some decorating to earn brownie points:(

but other than that i'm
hey Cad, do you know if this stuff is sprayed on in one or more coats or do you just wipe it on with a rag and hope it "penetrates" the metal enough to stop rust from forming?

To directly quote Jared from Holiday customs..."yeah it rains a ton over here so I use a clear coat called penatrol . You can put it on with a brush and slap it on and it drys smooth and glossy. Good luck with your project- Jared"

I was asking him how he stops the rust eating at the bare parts on the bikes he builds seeing as he is based in Oregon and it rains a fair bit there.
my project has stalled to the point that i havent even looked at it for 2 months :banghead: covered up in the garden

life has been up in the air ..wife had a big op so worked at home for 2 months but the free time i thought i'd get didn't materialise , got burgled (bastards!) , smashed the car up, work has been manic as i'm doing 2-3 peoples jobs ,been on a diet so i'm a bit tetchy ha ha ,had to do some decorating to earn brownie points:(

but other than that i'm

Until you have over 2 years into a build your just not trying hard enough :thumbsup:
my project has stalled to the point that i havent even looked at it for 2 months :banghead: covered up in the garden

life has been up in the air ..wife had a big op so worked at home for 2 months but the free time i thought i'd get didn't materialise , got burgled (bastards!) , smashed the car up, work has been manic as i'm doing 2-3 peoples jobs ,been on a diet so i'm a bit tetchy ha ha ,had to do some decorating to earn brownie points:(

but other than that i'm

could be worse.....:D
Got the frame and swingarm back from the powder coaters and can finally start building a motorcycle and not just have a glorified clothes hanger.

Nearly all the bike parts are now out of my bedroom and in the corner of somebody's studio in Hackney (thanks Ben for sorting the space out for me :thumbsup:) where I can build the bike in relative comfort.

Starting to look like a motorcycle at last....


Thanks Guy for the use of the space and Ben for the use of his truck and transporting the parts across for me.

Mark, I've just made some from some 20mm ID steel tubing. I definitely want to get some better ones made up, especially to fill the gap the speedo used to fill just to stop water and crap getting at the bearings (the bearings are sealed though). Had a bit of a guess at the lengths, which I will fine tune when getting some proper ones made.

Are you volunteering to get on the father in laws lathe ???
Mark, I've just made some from some 20mm ID steel tubing. I definitely want to get some better ones made up, especially to fill the gap the speedo used to fill just to stop water and crap getting at the bearings (the bearings are sealed though). Had a bit of a guess at the lengths, which I will fine tune when getting some proper ones made.

Are you volunteering to get on the father in laws lathe ???
great your getting moving on this thing. I reckon your still 3 months away. its all those niggly little twatty things that stop the build while you wait for the post!:bike:

Already there Drew, waiting on some stainless washers, a couple of bolts, a chain, bar clamps etc, etc....:doh:

I can't go at my usual glacial pace though. I don't want to take the piss out of the bloke being good enough to offer me a bit of space to build in.