Intro & Twin '81 Cafe/Streetfighter XS400s


XS400 Addict
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Jacksonville, NC
Names Damien, I'm 24 living in Jacksonville, NC USA. Recently married motorcycle nut. I picked up an '81 in 2008 for $700. Ran ok, starter silenoid was shot and needed little bit of love. Can't recall the mileage but believe it was in the 7000 range. Road it for a few weeks before a guy pulled out infront of me resulting in a lowside breaking the clutch lever, bending the shifter and handle bars. Handle bars were the horrible stock buck horns anyways and wanted to get rid of them anyways. I swwwwwwwwwapped out the bars with a set from a 93 suzuki lt80 miniquad. About a quarter inch shorter than perfect but loved the feel. Unfortunantly never got the chance to ride it with the new bars. Took the front wheel off to have the tire change and the guys popped the tube and didn't have the size in stock. So 2 weeks later they get it and finish the work but after a brother had messed around with my work site a spacer came up MIA and I had to order that aswell.

At this point I had decided id like to modify the bikes style to be a bobber and began tearing the bike down. I had a nicely organized pile of parts. Left town for a weekend to find the parts now in a disorganized pile behind the shed. The project was stuck on the back burner for a long while.

April of 2011, my fiancee (now wife) was ready for her own bike after I taught her to ride on my '94 CBR1000F. We found an '81 special for $400 and got it for $300. :D it aswell needed a little bit of love. Cleaned the carbs, replaced the battery, front caliper was frozen so had to fix that. Also ditched the stock buckhorns for the same bars as my xs400. She loved the way it felt after the work.

We talked about a potential second larger bike in the future for her and asked what se might want to do with the xs. I showed her some pics of different styles and she decided she loved the cafe racer styling wasall her. After playing with some ideas I got feeling the same and decided 2 xs400 cafe racers would be sweet.

I love doing things like this. I recent got a 2001 Kawisaki Ninja 500r that I've turned into a dualsport. The end result will be a post apoctolyptic themed bioninja as we'll call it. I've raised the front end 7 inches with longer tubes and the rear 5" with a shorter dogbone. Still got a gasmask to mount to buell projectors for the headlight and 50mm ammo cans for the saddle bags.

Anyways back to the point.

Stock front forks
Dual side by side headlights
Stock tank possibly hammer dished
Stock seat with seat cowl/rear tail fairing combo with nonstock taillight w/ signal integration
14" eye to eye rear shock absorbers.

She originaly wanted a headlight windscree but after seeing the dual headlights changed her mind.

Inverted front forks with below upper triple tree clipons
Hydrolic front brake & spoke rims
Stock tank hammer dished and raised 1-2"
Lower single rider seat
Pegs & controls moved to passenger location and raised 1"
Rear tail fairing with nonstock taillight & integrated signals
16" rear shock absorbers

That about sums up the ideas, ill get some pics up soon.
Hey, I'm the "hers" was thinking about the color, possibly silver or gray. Originally was thinking flat black, but silver or grey more me! Anything but the yellow, maybe if it was a shiney yellow.... you didn't spcify what color u had in mind!
I figure ill give you guys a tour around the garage. Just as a fore-note I'm an everyday rider; rain, shine, snow, ice, hurricane, tornado, mud or gravel, I'm riding. A video to match:

My main mode of transportation is the CBR, which the wife & I occational tour on when we've got the money. Love to load it. Lol


The wife has her XS400 special (might not the TC2) and then there's mine which isn't much at all right now. Blank canvas if you will.


I have a ts125 but it needs new seals so I don't really do much of anything with right now. More important projects. There's the Lt80 which is just a toy but I love it.

Then ofcourse the ninja. Got it from an older couple, was laying on its side in the backyard for 5 years. Didn't take but a weekend to get it back up and running.

Throw a few vids in here aswell:

Walk around of mine not to long after getting it, exhaust leak.
Riding hers
All of the bikes have been through hell literially. In April about 2 weeks after getting her xs400 our house was hit by a tornado. I lost the seat to my xs400, a piece of bark smashed the cbrs tabs off the upper fairing, and droppd a tree through the roof onto its plastics in the house. The ninjas plastics were removed and thrown across the yard and smashed, lost all the bolts and screws for the ts125, lt80, xs400. But as result the ninja is now something much cooler, my roots lie in dirtbikes anyways. :D
Yeah, in the end it'll have the knobbies. It rides pretty neat, not completely sport and not completely dirt. The peg position is still semi sporty. Id kinda prefer it a bit lower. I have lots of plans for it but still having issues getting it titled. Probably gunna have to buy another frame or steering stem with good title. So for now its on pause. Twincult2s XS is the current active project. I'm planning to go through this weekend and see what's missing from mine so I can get a rolling chassis soon.
Been riding her xs400 a lot today and it occured to me what you're talking about. Its clutch related.. sorta. The cables on the bike are stock from the buckhorns, so they're to long nor were they secured very well nor lubed. So what happens is occationally ill release the clutch and the cable to slowly slide back instead of snapping back. So I adjusted the cable some more today, it was looping around the steering stem to the right side of the bike and then had a lot of slack and play curving around the engine then over the carbs and down to the clutch. Now it looks to the right and tucked under the tank then past the carbs and then has tight long radius 90 and drops to the clutch. Also lubed it, it appears to be snapping back nicely now.
Actually just was thinking about something else, when I rev hard and then pull in the clutch the bike doesn't drop in revs very quickly. I know my cbr does, not sure if its just the way these bikes work or I need to adjust something on the carbs. Any input?
Going to be replacing the wifes fork seals this weekend and was just curious about something. I've used ATF in the past for fork fluid and I see the manual suggest sae motor oil, what's everyone elses opinion on this. Is ATF fine? Another question i have is the stock OD of the headers on the '81 special. Hers isn't stock at all and I have a suspicion the down pipes are bigger than stock. Her xs400 has a much different exhast note than mine and I think it may be due to a lower pressure prior to the megaphone because of a larger diameter pipe.

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Drewpy, you seem to be the goto ma around here. Need your input/advice on something. The wifes bike, 1 of te previous owners over torqued the plugs and stripped the holes, the then put what I think is heli-coils but I don't believe they're done right. They're lose and there's a pretty bad leak there. Any ideas? Repair or replace?

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AFAIK there are special helicoil kits for spark plugs which grip the alloy head. They may have loosened after lots of plug changes and could just mean putting new ones in.

I wouldn't run it with them loose as there is a danger of the sparks flying (literally) and the alloy eroding causing a bigger hole.

alternatives are welding/recutting or new head/cam cover (they are machine matched)
The spark plug sleeve I used for stripped threads is coated with rtv silicone, screwed in, and expanded with a special tool. The kit can be purchased at most auto parts stores. If the sleeve was not quite expanded enough or the plug was over-tightened it may have loosened the sleeve/insert.