I also fitted my new main jets today (135) and synched the carbs ... the carbs syncing went well and after a bit of messing around I got them totally even without any slow changing in level
However my problem with my runaway throttle remains the same

... she idles well at about 1200rpm when warm... then, on increasing the throttle slowly once she hits 1800rpm she revs up all the way to about 4000rpm
I spent the rest of the time trying out things that might eliminate a cause or diagnose an issue, here's what I found:
- I believe she's running rich overall
- Plugs blacken fairly quickly (I'm mostly idling so I'm not surprised)
- The carb. Jet needles are wrong (I think) they are 6zg5 (very hard to read) and should be 5z1-4 (haynes)
- I ran each cylinder independently and found that the left idles at about 1000rpm and the right idles at about 1700rpm ...

- carb "boots" are good and have no air leaks
- my throttle shaft is perfect with no play or wear
- the throttle cable is new and unimpeded with no excess bends or kinking
- the twist/spring action of the hand throttle is snappy and smooth
I'm really unsure as to what's causing this ...
The jet needles are single position, so I shimmed them up about 1mm (the only washer I had to hand) ... this didn't change the runaway happening, instead it moved up the rev range to begin at about 2000rpm
I'm not suspecting a control issue, I don't feel there's an air/vacuum leak as she idles smoothly, my suspicion lies with the fuelling.
I'd really appreciate any ideas/thoughts ... it's really bugging me