Forget the above idea ... found some original needles in an old school motorcycle repair shop near me
... I lucked out on that one.
Fitted them today, along with new pilot mixture washers and O-rings. Before I fitted them I rechecked the carb for vacuum leaks around the boots, air filters and throttle control rod (none found). I started her up with the new needles and ... right cylinder refused to fire, turns out the plug had failed completely, replaced the plugs and still got the same problem
The mixture screws were way way too rich at 3 turns out ... seemed better at about 2 turns. Re checked the carbs for sync and they're still spot on.
Here's how rich she was running, these are new plugs after less than 5 minutes ...
Seriously ... that's ridiculous.
Once I leaned out the mixture they're better but still dark. I have also dropped the float bowl level as I don't think that was helping ... this has also helped.
But, I'm kinda back to square one.
Starts easily, idles well, but throttle is running away from 1800 to 3500 revs
... really don't know what else to do