New to but not finding it helpful!

I can say this you get out what you put in.If you act like a dick your going to get treated like one lol.
Seriously though this site has tons of available information that its so easy to find even a caveman can find it.
On occasion there might be a specific question that might be difficult to answer but speaking from own personal experience you have to be patient.
For the 99% of the time the info is here from adjusting valves to engine rebuilds.
Last and final comment on batteries please don't let filling a battery scare the bedickens out of you.Listen to the advice and you will have no difficulties.Now good luck with your bike project and I do hope that riding it wont be as scary as working on it.:)
Yes I got it filled however once I finally connected it caused the engine to turn and I had to disconnect it. I haven't jumped it since then because I want to gave gas and oil in it. Thanks for asking!
#1 problem. Post pictures of your bike. We like shiny pictures.

Ok then, I'm kind of new here myself, but let me brutally honest.

You haven't made it easy to help. You have barely asked any questions. When you did you got responses but did not follow up on them. I made some suggestions about the broken spark plug. So did another member. Did you try any of the suggestions?
If you keep asking the same question without trying any of the suggestions given, pretty quickly you'll find the suggestions stop coming.

You have also asked questions in multiple threads. This is frustrating for us. I'm already frustrated trying to piece together the information you've presented in multiple locations and trying to keep track of what suggestions have been offered.

In the "What did you do with your XS" thread arfstrom also made a few suggestions about how to get help. Did you read the help he tried to offer? There was something about putting your bike model in your forum signature?
You haven't done it yet.
Doing so would demonstrate that you are willing to follow advice and others may be more willing to help in the future.

Have you downloaded the service manual for your bike? There are factory service manuals available on this forum. A Haynes manual will also take you step-by-step through most procedures. I think Clymer also has manuals for our bikes but the Haynes are more common and seem to be the preferred option.

At least in this thread you have some specific questions. That's a good start, but rather than a giant block of text that nobody wants to read, maybe a list? With line breaks?

1.Two members responded to this when you asked in the "What did you do with your XS..." thread.
On october 16th, in a different thread, you said you would post a picture of the broken plug. That's a week ago.
We're still waiting.
In the mean-time:
In what way is it stuck? You said in a different thread again that you can turn it with a screwdriver. If you can turn it, why won't it come out?
Are the threads damaged? Have you chased the threads as suggested? Can the threads be chased with the plug still in there?
If the threads are damaged and you can't chase them with the broken plug in there, yes, you will have to take the head off.
It's not a simple procedure but it is one that a novice can do when following the instructions in the manuals.
Then you will have to repair the threads.
Make sure no debris gets left behind in the cylinders.

2.Why not? Spark plugs come with adapters threaded on but the stock caps on your bike probably don't work with the adapters. Just unscrew the adapters, then your stock plug caps should press on.
While we're here. Did you buy the spark plugs specified in the manual?

3.There is no question here. Do you need help with this? I've never done it myself but I expect it came with instructions. Let us know how it goes. I'd be curious to see it done.

4.There are no cables.
If it's a stock vacuum petcock there should be two hoses coming from it. One feeds fuel from the petcock to the carburetor and one connects to an available vacuum barb on one of the carburetor holders. If they are broken, replace them. Hot water might help by making the rubber more flexible.
Fuel line should be 1/4". Off the top of my head I believe the vacuum line is 5/32".

I was going to go on a further rant about how my time is money, my time is billed at $80 an hour, etc, etc, but it all comes down to this:
Help us help you.
In regards to the broken or cross threaded spark plug. I found lots of expensive products on YouTube but Amazon has a "Powerbuilt 640811 14mm Back-Tap Thread Repair Tool" and it WORKS! Got me out of a mess. And it didn't cost almost $400.00.
Lets forget about the flaming phase I think the message has put forth clear enough.No need to keep stirring the pot.Hes asked for help and now hes getting it.enough said.:wink2:
JUJU did you check the things I asked you about?
The problem Juju is that you need patience. You don't get instant answers and sometimes the answers are not helpful if you don't have a mechanical background and it gets really frustrating.

I've also felt frustrated because it seemed everything that I've tried hasn't quite worked out because of my own lack of knowledge and skill. We all wish that we could get the people to just come through the computer and fix our bikes but that's not gonna happen. We would all appreciate some humor and less name calling though.

There is no need to tell people to eat dicks however. I believe that's a different forum and probably costs money to sign up. :laughing:

Seriously though, that shit ain't cool... :wink2:
Ummm Guys? I don't mean to be "that guy" but I thought we kind of moved on to helping him and not talking about the "incident" after post 33? At this point he either learned his lesson or isn't going to change. Although he is still posting and has been quite civil so I think the lesson has been learned.

Although I like the pack mentality. Band of Brothers, Gangs of New York, West Side Story, and all that... It's nice to know we got each others back around here. I mean that in all seriousness, not trying to be facetious.

Juju, that does sound like a weird problem with your electrical. Could you elaborate a little on that? Are you saying that the starter turns over the moment you hook the battery up? Even with the kill switch off and not pressing the start button? That is definately not a good sign.:yikes:
Hey Juju, I think maybe people who can't be bothered to catch up reading the posts are just gonna keep the stoking the flame. Time to start a new thread with a new title and reboot the process?