Oil leak from stator wire grommet!!


XS400 Member
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Hey guys,
So I’ve had this infamous oil leak from my grommet that passes the stator wires thru the left side engine cover in my 81 xs400. I’ve tried replacing that engine gasket AND resealing that grommet with black RTV MULTIPLE times and it STILL leaks. I literally have no other ideas. I thought about just replacing the entire harness (assuming it comes with a new grommet) but I’m even having trouble finding a new replacement. Does anyone have ANY ideas or pictures of how they sealed it? It’s such a tight spot that every time I end up just globing as much sealant over the grommet as possible. I also removed it and put sealant between the grommet and the little U channel it sits in with NO luck. Help!!
Are you sure it's not leaking from the neutral switch. It's a plastic piece with an o ring on the left side. This will leak with age.
I’m not 100% sure but oil drips are coming from the inside the wire bundle under the bike that runs thru that grommet. I’ll check out the neutral switch tho bc it is in the same area. It’s hard tell because it doesn’t just leak at idle. It leaks after a ride when some oil pressure has built up and the revs have been brought up.
A rule everybody should know. NEVER use any silicone based RTV type sealer around anything with oil on it AT ALL. All sealing surfaces must be bone dry as in the California desert. I'm betting the rubber grommet there is oil permeated and the oil then seeps right around the RTV to make it come loose as no RTV on earth will stay adhered in the presence of oil. It gradually releases to come loose as a long string of it and the best thing to clog up oil pump pickups and blow motors up there is.

If the grommet has gone soft and squishy there is nothing to do but replace it. If it still has firm body you can cut some shim material say from an inner tube to wrap around it or inside it to give more crush, the removal of space may well stop the leak if done intelligently. I've done it before. Forget the RTV.
Yea my grommet is pretty shot. It seemed quite soft and even cracked. I would love to replace it but I literally cannot find one online anywhere. I may try to shim it but it there’s a crack I don’t think it’ll help much.
Guys I think I’m on to something! Check out the image. I think it’s leaking from what I think is the clutch push rod seal and also what plug that is underneath it. Also please pay not mind to my terrible rtv job. That area around the rtv seems very dry tho which is good!


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Guys I think I’m on to something! Check out the image. I think it’s leaking from what I think is the clutch push rod seal and also what plug that is underneath it. Also please pay not mind to my terrible rtv job. That area around the rtv seems very dry tho which is good!
Hey @mikevar94 , did you manage to solve the leak from the clutch push rod? My 84’ Maxim seems to be leaking from the same area, and have no clue where to start the job.

Here is a picture of the leaking spot. Oil seems to be coming down the stator wires

Any tip would be appreciated, thanks


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Hey @mikevar94 , did you manage to solve the leak from the clutch push rod? My 84’ Maxim seems to be leaking from the same area, and have no clue where to start the job.

Here is a picture of the leaking spot. Oil seems to be coming down the stator wires

Any tip would be appreciated, thanks
hi did you ever get the oil leak fixed?
I changed the clutch rod seal.i made sure it was a genuine yamaha part and neutral switch o ring .I have a very small leak from the stator wires .I've sealed it from the outside with silicon .can't get new grommets for the stator wires.hope u get yours fixed .