XS400 New Member
Okay to start off I just want to let everyone know that I am brand spanking new to motorcycles but I am fairly mechanically savvy. So to start, I bought the motorcycle a couple weeks ago thinking that it ran perfectly, which it did for the 15 minutes they had it running, but after the paperwork was done and they left, she would start and then die. And then eventually she wouldn't start. So I was stuck having to put the motorcycle on a trailer instead of riding it back home. After I got home I took the carbs completely out and took them apart and cleaned every nook, jet, and float bowl and put them back in. It ran a little smoother but would still die if the throttle wasn't applied. I then adjusted the pilot screw (which I think is in between the two carbs...?) and it ran a little better, but would still eventually die and then after a few starting attempts, stop starting altogether. I have a 12v battery charger that shows the percentage of charge when hooked up so I did and it said it was 100% charged when the motorcycle is off but shoots down to 5% after a few starting attempts. I bought this motorcycle hoping for it to be running fine and now I am stuck with no transportation! I hope this is something minor!