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  1. 06CCDMAX

    1st Bike build, a 74 RD250/350 Cafe build.

    Hi Guys. I joined here when I picked up an 81 XS I planned to personalize a bit. Short version... Busted rib at work so not keen on doing too much "work" here after work. So I'm browsing CL for the heck of it/to kill the evening, and see a 74 RD250 the owner is selling or wants to trade for a...
  2. 06CCDMAX

    EPA vs. Motorcyclists....... Help needed

    Hey guys, If you like riding, and live in the US, then you should take note. E10 isn't the best thing to happen to us, or to ATVers or anyone with anything 2-stroke, or a mower, or a boat for SURE. But now the E-15 push is taking an even worse twist...
  3. 06CCDMAX

    New guy with a 400

    Hi everyone. I just picked up an 81 xs400H with 4165 on the clock for cheap, and I got the Owner's Manual, factory toolkit, and a Reggy, I am rather happy with the purchase. Actually it's in excellent shape (Not Craigs List excellent:laugh:). Exhaust has a ding from the kickstand, I'm gonna...