
  1. HicklingSam

    BS34 - 79, or later?

    Hello everyone. First post! I've done a bit of searching, but have a couple of questions about some carbs I've just bought - as I have a bit of time to wait for them to arrive, and was hoping to get some other bits ordered whilst waiting. I've got a '79 250 frame, which I'm putting a '81 (14V...
  2. Dav-len

    Wanted - Bs34 carburetors

    Good day all I am urgently looking for a Bs34 carburetor for my xs400 special I think it's 1980-81 She is currently standing stripped down,and waiting on me to find a new carburetor on witch I can not find .please let me know if anyone has anything.
  3. sdhadley94

    Mikuni bs34 constant velocity.

    On my 81 xs400 special, I have 2 factory mikuni carbs. Thing is, it was running rich but still managed to score the plugs as if it were lean and rich. Cruising speed was a no problem. But anything over 35-40mph at around 1/8 to 3/4 throttle seemed like the bike had to catch it's breath before...
  4. killjoy33

    Im missing Pilot Jet plugs

    Hello I have a 1981 xs400h. I recently rebuilt the carbs(mikuni bs34 cv) but i noticed i do not have any pilot jet plugs. The reason i rebuild the carbs was because the left carb was leaking gas to the left air filter. Do i need to buy pilot jet plugs? The right carb never leaked any gas...
  5. pbr206

    Not another "New Bike" thread...

    First off, I have a 1980 XS400G (That's what the PO told the other PO who relayed that to me when I bought the bike at least) but the VIN is 3F8, which the forum says is a XS400G Special 2 3F8 12/79 1980. The PO posted on here for a bit (Hey Kyle), and it seemed as though there were some...
  6. andrewvalentine

    BS34 Emulsion Tubes

    Hey everyone: I have a '78 XS400-2E that will only run with the choke on. I took the carbs completely apart with the exception of 1 pilot jet that is stripped (which I ordered replacements), and both emulsion tubes which are stuck in place. I've tried additional heat to get them out with no...
  7. G

    Gas gushing out the back of carbs, float seating issue?

    Thanks, in large part, to help on these boards I have my 1982 Maxim up and running on both cylinders(and it sounds nice and healthy for not being registered since 2000). Problem is it's way too rich and I have gas dripping out the backside of the carbs. I assume it's a float seating issue. The...