
  1. 6

    79' XS400 no power whatsoever

    So I've been working on a project for about half a year now. I got the bike running a few months ago, just needed to rebuild the carb. I rebuilt the carb, and tried to start the motorcycle. The motorcycle tried to start but didn't. I added some gas, same thing again. It didn't start. Now there's...
  2. A

    Rectifier Swap

    So I was riding on my bike's longest ride to date and she died while on the highway. Thankfully I had a buddy of mine following because the reason she died is that my rectifier had flew off :yikes: (long story ), but he found it on the side of the road :D. When it did fly off it ripped the...
  3. W

    In line fuses

    Was wondering if anyone out there has used inline fuses instead of a fuse box? I'm liquidating my turn signals and just thought of trying the inline route instead. Any input would be appreciated. Thx