Recent content by Demetrius

  1. D

    XS360 Cafe Racer Project

    I would've wanted to see it done just as much as you guys did, but currently I just couldn't find the time and money to work on it any more. I still don't have a stable income and the job I found isn't paying as much as I hoped for... I might try again sometime in the future when I've got more...
  2. D

    XS360 Cafe Racer Project

    Project has been cancelled and the bike is being sold in parts.
  3. D

    XS360 Cafe Racer Project

    Read your story yesterday and considered the option, but I've chopped of the head yesterday to see if I could smash it out from the other side. So now if I would try to drill it out, it'd just rotate along with the drill :| My uncle however is a car mechanic and is sure to know someone who has...
  4. D

    XS360 Cafe Racer Project

    Things really aren't going as planned. The swingarm bolt still won't come out... I heated up the swingarm, but it still wouldn't budge. Now looking for a place to have it pressed out. As for the sanding and painting, 30 years of paint won't come off that easily, so it seems I'll have to get it...
  5. D

    XS360 Cafe Racer Project

    So, tomorrow I'll be going back to my parents for a few days to work on the bike again. I've planned to do the following: Sand, clean and paint the rims satin black. Cut the swingarm pivot bolt as it's still stuck. Sand and clean the tank. Spray with primer, color layer not decided yet...
  6. D

    Idle too Damn High

    As far as I know, that's the problem. Sync your carbs first, then check if the problem is gone.
  7. D

    cafe build tips

    Hi, and welcome! First of all, the triangle section is not that difficult. Replacing the stock air filters with pod filters and moving the battery to a different location will clear it up pretty good. A lot of people move the battery to the bottom of the bike, near the engine and the swingarm...
  8. D

    Refurbishing rectifier/regulators

    Thanks for the advice. Will check eBay for a combo, might be the best option anyway since I'm going to redo the entire wiring harness anyway. :)
  9. D

    Refurbishing rectifier/regulators

    While taking apart my XS360, I noticed that some of the electrical components looked really bad. Mainly the expensive parts, like the rectifier, didn't look too well anymore. Has anyone ever tried to repair them to fully functional state? And what's the difficulty in that? Also, are there...
  10. D

    Replacing idiot light cluster with LED's?

    Afaik it isn't really different from doing this with any other bike. There are tons of howtos out there that explain how to do such a mod with a slightly more modern bike (90s). Needs some soldering, rewiring and adding some resisters to get the voltage right. Rest should speak for itself. A...
  11. D

    XS360 Cafe Racer Project

    It really does, and what I've found so far is that the crossflow ones tend to be a bit cheaper than the ones without.
  12. D

    XS360 Cafe Racer Project

    I did notice the absence of the crossflow pipe, that's why I asked. When I get to my parents' place again soon, I will measure the distance between the outlets. Then I'll ask a seller what the distance between the pipes is. Then I'll know for sure.
  13. D

    XS360 Cafe Racer Project

    I did check the German eBay and found a guy who has a ton of these XS motorcycles and loose parts. Only downside is that he asks about 120 euro's for a pair of second hand downpipes, which in my opinion, is a tad too much as the shipping costs are approx. 30 euros as well. If the GS500...
  14. D

    XS360 Cafe Racer Project

    It has been a while since I last posted here. Finally got some money again and possibly a new job too, which means I can start working on the cafe racer again. Anyhow, if all goes according to plan, I will receive a new front-end next week. The forks that were on the original bike were bent...
  15. D

    XS360 Cafe Racer Project

    I hope I'll be able to post some updates soon, but since I'm completely broke I can't do much at the moment... Still waiting to move the engine to my new place so I can work on that while getting my finances sorted out.