Recent content by Sassafrass89

  1. S

    Problems starting/staying started

    No I don't, the tank is a little rough on the inside but I thought the screen on the petcock would at least keep enough gunk out in the mean time to get it at least started and idling. But if that's the case the fuel filter inline will help?
  2. S

    Problems starting/staying started

    The intake boots are in pretty bad shape (cracking) could that be a cause? An air leak?
  3. S

    Problems starting/staying started

    I have 81 xs400, first bike build, having problems getting it started. I have cleaned the carbs about three times now, beginning to feel like a pro at doing that now. I have checked the spark plugs both are firing. The longest I have gotten it to run is about 20 seconds, and when I do get it...
  4. S

    First cafe build 81 Yamaha XS400

    Start of skateboard Cafe seat, used an old army foam sleeping mat for the padding and used a grinding wheel to shape it. Could probably use another layer of some better padding because its not the most comfortable seat. But besides that just have to wrap the vinyl and figure out the hoop tail...
  5. S

    First cafe build 81 Yamaha XS400

    First build/First Bike, Got the bike for 200 bucks engines turns over fine, electrical is good, only has 4000 original miles. Was excited to find this forum it has helped out for the little that i have done so far but i thought i would post at least something