
  1. BDxs400

    Make Offer - 82 Seca xs400rj

    Well time has come where I have sold my Seca :(, its been good lol. But hopefully I can help someone else out. I still have my parts bike. tried to sell it with my bike just didn't work out. Parts bike was close to complete. Had 27,000 miles on it when I parked it and was in good running...
  2. karatekid1194

    Check out my blog :)

    If anyone is interested I started a blog about motorcycling. I only write for fun, and often it involves my xs. Here is a link if any of you want to check it out. Feedback is welcome!
  3. Pawl

    IMCDB Internet Movie Car Database

    Is anybody familiar with "IMDB" ? (Internet Movie Database), I use it all the time, to jog my ever shrinking memory of "who was in what movie", and to instantly settle arguments about any movies. Well a year or so I discovered IMCDB It's pretty cool, has quite a lot of...