no keys!!!


XS400 Addict
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Orange County,CA
Sooooo...the Bike I traded house painting for has no keys!!! My friend looked all over and cant find the keys for the '79 xs400 I traded manual labor on his house for. Seems in 1983 when he parked the bike, he hung the keys on the key hanger thing and there they sat for many a year,but....somehow now...he cant find them!!! Bugger!! Can I just get the code off the ignition/key switch and get some keys made?!! ....or do I need to unplug the ignition/key switch and take it to a locksmith?
Lee has a point. Also you can setup it up like I'm probably going to do mine...

If you're gonna go go big right? :thumbsup: said:
The new DGD-KIM Keyless Ignition Module

Using advanced Keyless security technology similar to that found on new Mercedes, Corvette and Lexus, the DGD-KIM has set a new benchmark for motorcycle security & convenience. This amazing new product from Digital Guard Dawg™ makes the need for your Ignition key a thing of the past! The DGD-KIM “Keyless Ignition Module”, as the name implies, completely eliminates your bike’s Ignition switch and all the hassles associated with using a key.

Simply carry one of the systems digital RFID “Dawg Tags” with you. When you’re ready to ride, just flip your RUN switch ON, Thumb the start button and GO! When your ride is over, kill the engine and just walk away . .