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    • tstidham
      tstidham replied to the thread Yamaha XS400 Wiring Diagrams.
      Is it maybe a tachometer signal wire? I don't know enough about the late model 400's, but did they switch to an electronic tachometer or...
    • tstidham
      tstidham replied to the thread Happy New Year.
      Happy new years fellow xs400/360/250 riders!
    • tstidham
      tstidham replied to the thread 1978 Yamaha XS400 full tune up.
      Yes, you'll see big round caps on the rocker cover for doing the valve lash adjustments, I think a 17mm hex head. Intake on the carb...
    • tstidham
      Places like partzilla have the o-rings listed as available for the 82 for both sohc and dohc engines.
    • tstidham
      tstidham replied to the thread 1978 Yamaha XS400 full tune up.
      If the cam timing is off, you may need to also remove the caps for the valve adjustment for the left side and observe the valve opening/...
    • tstidham
      tstidham replied to the thread 1978 Yamaha XS400 full tune up.
      Yes, you pull the rocker cover. There are two cam gear bolts you can remove and then rotate the cam 180 and reattach. If the cam is 180...
    • tstidham
      If the drain plug isn't leaking that only leaves the upper fork seal itself. Take a clean paper towel and wipe around the bottom of the...
    • tstidham
      tstidham replied to the thread Turn Signal Troubleshooting.
      I had similar issues and was able to disassemble the factory flasher and clean the contact points. This way you retain the auto-cancel...
    • tstidham
      tstidham replied to the thread It Lives..
      Wow! That turned out great! Funny enough, I had thoughts of painting mine eventually, but was going to do white with an orange stripe...
    • tstidham
      If it's still points, I'm pretty sure the factory caps are 0 ohm caps and 0 ohm plugs. Although they stopped making the non-resistor plugs.
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