Do You Have Questions About Using the Site?

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Forum Staff
Staff member
Reaction score
Roberts, WI, USA
This forum section (The Classroom) is for site software questions, suggestions, and announcements (and anything else related to the site itself). Do not post motorcycle-related content here. Post all motorcycle-related content in The Garage forum.

If you have questions about formatting posts, see BB-Codes. If you have other questions about using the forum, create a new thread in The Classroom. This site runs on Xenforo software and has similar functionality to many other forums on the internet.

Threads are discussions that consist of individual posts. If you want to start a new discussion, create a new thread in the relevant forum (The Garage for anything motorcycle related). Once a thread is created, posts are added to it using the reply box at the bottom of each page.

In Xenforo, private messages (PMs) are called Conversations (I sometimes refer to them as private conversations). To start a conversation with someone privately, click their avatar or name and click Start Conversation. You can add several people to a conversation. Do not start a conversation with individuals to get help with your motorcycle. You will get a much better response by posting your questions in The Garage.

If you wish to contact the site administrator or a moderator, please start a private conversation with them directly, or email
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