Is this an xs400 or 400 special?


XS400 Member
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Flint, Michigan
Ok, so I just picked this puppy up. It's definitely an 81. I thought it was an xs400h, but after further consideration and a little picture hunting, its beginning to look like an xs400sh or xs400 special. According to the book I have, seeing as the vin on the model starts with 4R5 its ann xs400h. BUT, that sure does look like DOHC to me. Plus I seen a picture of this bike exactly (except a little shinier and cleaner) and it had side cover that said Special II. Any ideas? Is this a mut?

Not 100% sure but I think its a special 2 because of the spoked wheels.The H or SH has mags.My bike is an 81 sh it has mags.Othern than that Im sure if any other differences.
Welcome to the forum another Michigander cool
Ok so i know it at least is SOHC, which to my understanding is good in terms or valve adjustments. Thanks guys :thumbsup: , still trying to figure out what model exactly though.
Looks like an XS400 Special II to me:


That would make it an XS400H...believe it of not, the "Special II" is the "stripper" version and thus the "H". The standard model "Special" (alloys, disk front) is the SH....go figure. No way that will ever be confusing.
haha so my assessment of it being a 400h was correct. I also figured out this was the super basic package. I guess the special II threw me through a loop. one would expect the special II to be MORE special than the special I. lol
thanks for the input guys!!
Uug I missed your other question about the engine its definitely a sohc

ok cool.. I just saw the two (for lack of a better term off hand) little round things on the valve cover that looked like they were spaced enough apart to be the channel that the cams sat in, so i wasnt really sure what to make of it. My roomate works 3:00p to 11:00p and Im a first shifter so the past couple of days I havent had access to the bike until after I already closed up shop and went in for the night.

Thanks for the info!

From what I've read, im lucky its SOHC come time to adjust the valves.
Ok, so beating a dead horse here.

In dummy language here:
Whats the difference between 400 (H/S/SH/Special I & II)

I have an 81 with mags, side cover says Special II. IS there a difference when you look for parts? Or is this a "trim" package.
Those round caps are where you access your valves for making adjustments,unlike the dohc no shims are required.Surprised no one has asked does it run and if so how well.I noticed the po has put pods on the bike.

The bike runs. Not totally well. When we got it, it actually fired right up. We drove it around the neighborhood for a day to asses it. The clutch was not adjusted correctly, the idle adjustment was not adjusted correctly. After about an hour of pulling it in the garage, tinkering and pulling it back out, the battery died. Got a new voltage reg r-296 from oreilys, battery now charges. Adjusted the clutch to fully disengage, not it actually pulls (a little bit... lol) when shifting into 2nd gear. Had to cut the front brake sensor wires and tape off. the bike suffered a low side on the right. adjusted the idle adjustment. fresh gas, cleaned plugs. Its running, hes taking about 2 miles or so to work and back everyday. yes it has pods, and the baffles look to have been punched through at the top hole. It pops kinda bad. Next thing on the list is to get fresh oil in it. Some cheap-o air pods for the short term right now, and new carb boots. Once we get that I am going to pull the carbs, clean em, jet em, sync em and hopefully a new set of plugs and she will be good. She fires right up in under a second, first time, every time. Definitely a diamond in the rough though. I potentially have a new to me tank coming that at least has all the paint on it. Will probably take my time and fix up the one it has now once the replacement comes and make it look real nice. One thing I did notice and I'm not sure whats causing it just yet, but last night after i put the voltage reg in, i took it for a spin to charge the battery up a little and I noticed a bit of a wobble at 40 mph. I dont know exactly what caused it, im used to a crotch rocket with 42 psi tires so i dont know if its just these tube tires being crappy or if the neck bearing got screwed up in the low side. Going to do some more tests on that in the coming week. If my roomate decides he wants to keep it long term, we may look into getting the xs400sh mag wheels and brake rotors for it, hes a bigger dude. prolly 6'2 250 lbs.

Im undecided on whether or not I will keep pods on it though I think im going to have to. Nothing under the seat that came stock is still there. I will probably end up getting some nicer oilable pods and air restricters for it in the coming weeks. With that being the case, I really want a set of side covers for it. My buddy has a 81 honda cb650 with air pods and if he gets caught in the rain, he only gets about 5 miles before the carbs start sucking in water. I hope that possibly putting extensions on it to move the pods a little further back and installing side covers i can circumvent that issue.
Just to warn you. If you're thinking of getting the mags so you don't need to run tubes it may not help you. From what I understand, the mags are leaky too. Try balancing beads in the wheels and see if that fixes the wobble.