Mikuni BS34 air intake jets/passages


XS400 Enthusiast
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New Jersey, USA
Can anyone help to identify where each of these air passages go and what they do?

I am particularly interested in #4. There is a brass jet in there that I couldn't remove. I have seen it called an "air" jet. I think I read somewhere that it cannot be removed because it is pressed or cast into the carb body. Is that true? What does it do? What "circuit" is it for?

I'm not sure if I broke a forum rule by using houghmade's picture. It was very clear and better than anything I could have taken.


  • carbs1modified.JPG
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4 is the pilot air jet
3 is the mains air jet
1 2 5 are atmosphere vents 1 = vents underside the diaphram (i use it to test the integrety of diaphram and that the slide can move easily in the carb body.
5 and 1 vents the carb float area!
Here's a diagram of the internal passages for these style of Mikuni's.


  • Mikuni Carb diagram.gif
    Mikuni Carb diagram.gif
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anyone know of any good sites that sell aftermarket carbs/ignition? looking to get better flow/spark and a little better performance?

OK so I have an 81 xs400 special my problem is the idling so I tried settingthe air mixture screw on the Carb 3 turns and adjusting the throttle cable til its at 1500 Tom's but it wont stay at 1500 it continues to go up and down to 4000 to 3000 and back down to 1500 any suggestions would be great
You don't adjust idle with the throttle cable. It's adjusted with the idle air screw which is between the carbs, on the back side just above the number "5" in the first pic. The throttle cable should have free play so when you let go, there is absolutely no tension on the cable.
OK well I know where the idle screw is I've tried adjusting it but it seems to it just not right maybe its vibrating loose but thanks for the tip
It is normal to have some climb in idle rpm as the bike warms. After i shut off the enrichener all the way (choke) and the bike is still cool having just run for a couple of minutes, it will idle around 1000rpm. After it warms up, it will vary from 1200-1400 rpm (give or take)- and there is nothing wrong with that.

An idle up around 3000 rpm if everything is adjusted indicates a lean condition from adjustment, air leak or idle circuit passages being dirty. I would turn the idle mixture out to 3.5 turns, make sure there is free play on the throttle cable, good plugs properly gapped, just let it idle to warm, then use the idle air screw to adjust to 1200 rpm. If the idle still climbs too high, then check for air leaks. If there are none, the carbs need cleaning.

BTW- the idle air screw should have a spring on it which will prevent it from loosening, If not, get one. Also, if it is vibrating loose, the idle will get lower.
Thanks hough I think I got the idle right now ya see I would set the idle screw then turn the throttle cable boy was I wrong but this is my first bike so I'm learning
Hi guys,

My name is Kevin and I am Volcomscaters dad. I am working on lighting up his XS400 bobber now, (he's out skiing), but have a problem. The carb bowls are not filling from the tank,(gravity, no vacuum). When I look at the float setting (1.26"), it appears the needles have a spring loaded pin into the needle itself. The spring pressure is sealing the needle to the seat at the spec'ed dimension!! Ideas??? Thanks. :banghead:
Hi guys,

My name is Kevin and I am Volcomscaters dad. I am working on lighting up his XS400 bobber now, (he's out skiing), but have a problem. The carb bowls are not filling from the tank,(gravity, no vacuum). When I look at the float setting (1.26"), it appears the needles have a spring loaded pin into the needle itself. The spring pressure is sealing the needle to the seat at the spec'ed dimension!! Ideas??? Thanks. :banghead:

Hi Kevin,
The spring wraps around the tang so it positivly pulls away from the seat and puts it back. Not all carbs had them (none on my '78) which I had to get the correct one as the spring version was too tall.

hope that helps
Hi Drewpy<

Thanks for the confirmation. What kind of needles did your 78 have? I've never seen needles like these with a sping loaded pin IN the needle. All the carbs I've worked on have the little wispy spring that drags the needle in and out of the seat. With the fact the bike wasn't runniig when it was purchased, who the heck know what it should have. Are the standard needles readily available? Thanks.

Volcom Sr!

Hi Kevin,
The spring wraps around the tang so it positivly pulls away from the seat and puts it back. Not all carbs had them (none on my '78) which I had to get the correct one as the spring version was too tall.

hope that helps
dad, i got new needles with the jet kit. so they should be the stock size. i hope... and thanks chris, mine are the ones on the left. i know that the Hayes manual is wrong about the float height i believe. just dont remember what the dimensions were.

and your welcome for letting you use my online user identity dad. asking wouldnt have really hurt.:boxing: come at me bro! :laugh:
