Mix and matched engine parts? Need help with ID!


XS400 New Member
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Just picked this up. Title says it's an 81 xs400. PO did some top end work, and it came with two different cyl heads. The exhaust pipes/flanges don't fit to the head I got running on it. I need to get new pipes and/or flanges, but don't know which head this is! It's not rounded like the 81 xs400 heritage specials I've seen. Thanks!

My 1978 has a square head like that; the exhaust pipes DO fit differently on the head compared to the later rounded heads. I had issues installing my mac 2-1 exhaust; I had to install longer studs.

The collars on that style head go the other way; you have it on backwards in the photo on the far pipe; and there should be two flanges inside the collar. The later rounded heads should have the collar on the way it is shown in your photo.
Make sure the rocker box and the head are a matched set. There are a set of numbers stamped on the intake side of them. Some have used un-matched one and said they had no issue but they may have just gotten lucky. I also notice your missing the top engine mount. You may want to find one of them.


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They are not a matching set. One is stamped 3317, the other 4L6.

I put the two together, and sealed with Permatex, after setting cam timing. I finally started the bike for the first time last night after buying it (the top end was disassembled when I got it) - no leaks from that top. Was very excited just to get it started.

So far I've:
- set cam timing
- adjusted valve clearances
- thoroughly cleaned carbs/new gaskets

...and she finally ran! (jumped bad battery from my truck.)

Should I continue with this rebuild or locate a matching head set? Thanks for the help!
I say run it too. If something goes wrong you'll have to replace the entire top end with a new matching set so get some miles out of this one. The swap can be done with the engine in the frame too.