Need help; timing/ignition issue after head gasket change


XS400 Addict
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I need some good advice and input on this one.

I changed out the head gasket since the old one started leaking on cyl 2. After putting everything back together I had to advance the points plate by an additional 10-11 mm than recommended by the shop manual, to get it to start. It starts and runs, but lacks power compared to before and the motor sounds "rougher" when it runs.

Is it possible that I've set the timing somewhat wrong, causing it to miss some compression on one cylinder, but not enough wrong, to cause it to fail or break?

I pulled the valve cover today to have a look and this is how my timing is set at cyl 1 TDC:


This is dead on, right?


Here the manual says that the horizontal line on the cam sprocket should align with the cam holder surface, but mine seems to be tilting slightly to the rear of the motor. How picky is this alignment? Is this "good enough" or have I got something wrong here?

These shots where taken together to show where my cyl 1 TDC is when my cam is in this slightly tilted position.

And if this is correct by the book, what else can I have done wrong?

All and any help i greatly appreciated!

Regards, Stabler.
It looks to be right. Of course you set valves, adjusted points and synced carbs:) If your compression is where it should be in the motor it will have to be a timing issue. I would back it off a bit from the spot you have and and see what that does but the only good way to know for sure it to put it on a strobe.
Thanks Chris,

Yes, valves set to specs as is points. Carbs only bench synched but plugs show the same color (although a bit rich on both.)

What should I look for when backing it up a bit? Ain't got no strobe.. Got a compression tester though.

Thanks again.
The only way to get the timing perfect is with a strobe gun. Do a compression test to make sure that is good. Make a manometer the sync the carbs proper. When you said you turned the points plate 10-11mm turn it the opposite way a few mm and see what that does. If it get worse go the other way a few.
Got this figured. I think. Had the frekkin cam sleeve on 180 degrees wrong. Again. One would think one would learn..
It runs better than last year, but I think I need to strobe shoot it to get it 100% as well as a proper synch instead of the bench synch.

Anyone knows how to strobe synch these without running out of oil?
Put it on the center stand you will only loose a spoon full when you take the rotor cover off. You should be able to get it set fairly quickly without mishap.