New to Me- 1981 XS400


XS400 Enthusiast
Reaction score
Douglass, KS
so i been lookin at this bike for awhile. the guy stopped answerin his phone about two weeks ago. then he called me two days ago, sayin he had to leave town for an unexpected emergency. i met him today and bought this beauty.

its a 1981 Yamaha XS400 with 16k miles. new tires, new battery, new front brake pads, etc. only paid $600 for it!! did i get a good deal?

ALSO HAVE A QUESTION!- on the petcock, theres 3 positions. ON, RES, and PRI. i know what the ON and RES stand for, but never seen PRI on a bike. what exactly does this mean? thanks guys


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PRI is prime. ON and RES work via vacuum from a hose connected to a carb boot. PRI does not use vacuum, but is a manual flow setting. Use PRI if the float bowls are empty (give them a few seconds to fill up), otherwise use ON or RES as necessary.
I would say you did good on your purchase, I paid $600.00 each for both of mine and yours looks considerably nicer than either one of mine. It's weird but, bikes bring good money around the PNW if they run. I mean it's hard to find a runner for under 5 or 6 hundred.
most of the guys in this area just want the sporty crotch rockets. so you get these beauties for cheap! all the bikes this style arent wanted around here, but i love the look. gonna try to finish the bobber syle on this one and get a bigger one later
I wish things were like that here everyone is looking for the old CB and XS bikes 5 years ago they were much cheaper....