Recent content by miks15

  1. M

    3 rear wheel bearings?

    I had had a look, and all the mag type wheels on RD 400s seem to have the same type of cush drive as the XS's (the 4 little rubber tubes inside the wheel. The other thing I noticed today was that it says it is suitable for tubeless tyres. I have had a quick search around and this seems to...
  2. M

    3 rear wheel bearings?

    Ahh right I see. That makes sense, no wonder none of the diagrams i could find on Bike bandit looked right! Would anyone happen to know if the 3 bearings are normal on the RD wheel?
  3. M

    3 rear wheel bearings?

    Not sure on the casting, will have a look when I get home tonight. What numbers would indicate what model? Thanks Chris, what makes you think it is an RD wheel?
  4. M

    3 rear wheel bearings?

    Hi All, I've just picked up a project bike from someone on another forum, it is a honda cb360, but it has come with yamaha xs wheels (the 7 spoke type, are they called mags?) I am not sure which XS they are off. They are 18inch wheels, drum brakes with a cush drive. Anyway when I was...