bung holder removal


XS400 Member
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Am raising the tank on an 81 xs400. Has anyone removed the bung holders from the frame? I want to reuse the holders and not destroy them. There is a gap between the top of the holder and the frame big enough for a hack saw blade. However the frame flairs out and I'm afraid that would cut off the flat cup in the center.
I've only seen one bike with a raised tank. The owner cut the bung holders off and made new ones out of heavy walled pvc plumbing pipe. He riveted and epoxied the new ones to the frame and shot it with paint. It works and is hidden and seems to be durable. Any help is appreciated.
The slots are already pretty high on the frame, from what I recall. What about lowering the knobs on the tank, effectively raising it?
I mean, you can flat steel stock, bend it into a "C" shape to form a new slot, then weld that to a flat steel stock "H", then weld that whole piece to the frame. Does that make sense?
I drilled mine off, they could have been re-used, just plug weld the holes back up in the new position.