do we have any other cigar lovers on here?

ive been partaking for almost two years now and I've found that having a tobacconist near by and having a good relationship with the guy in charge of the tabacco shop has really helped my love for them bloom. Here are some of my favorite cigars, if you have the mind to get your hands on some of them they come highly recommended by me.
-Ashton VSG- the best cut imo is called Pegasus and its truly a joy to sit down with.
-Padron 1964- this is an expensive cigar around $20 where i live, but if you partake seldom you can indulge a little bit more, now mind you these are both fuller cigars so if you haven't quite developed your palate you'll want to hold off on these until you do.
-88 by Illusion- another full bodied cigar but absolutely a joy
-Any cigar by My Father or Don Peppin Garcia- these are all awesome smokes the cuban classic is one of my favorites from them.
-Brickhouse- this was actually my first cigar and still has a place in my heart. It's also more reasonably priced between $5-$10 where i live.

this is a long winded post but if you only take one thing away from it let it be this,
forge a friendship with the guy at your local cigar shop he knows what he is talking about and can help you get started in it I still go to my cigar shop guy for suggestions on what to try next he almost always suggests a winner.

Anthony and happy smoking!
I gave up smokes a while ago now, but maybe I can indulge in a ceegar every now and then :D What can you recommend a newb cigar smoker, if it helps, I used to smoke drum rollies.
A friend of mine went on a business trip to china a few years ago and came back with a few real cuban cigars and they where nothing like the ones you get around the states, even the miami ones:wink2: :thumbsup:
I've tried cigars before but that was when I was in High School and just trying to look cool:laugh: I'm sure it would be different now if I was to go back, but I prefer the occasional sit down with my ChurchWarden and a little sprinkle of my favourite aromatic. I'm not really into smoking, but my dad smoked pipe and it's a nostalgic thing for me. And I feel like Gandalf.

I guess the joy is in the entire experience from browsing, conversing, the purchase, and eventually the consumption. What made you start Marmar?