Jeb Corliss Flying suit

Too much fun! Shame you have to have something like 300 jumps under your belt to attempt something like what he did with Switzerland's "The Crack"
Yeah that does looks like fun. A couple of us were talking about skydiving and wingsuits over on a few days ago. In the US, you need 200 jumps, preferably in the last 18 months, and an experienced wingsuit jumper to coach you before your first wingsuit jump. I think I'm going to go through the Accelerated Freefall course and then do enough jumps to get my Class A license. If I get serious about the hobby, I'd like to fly a wingsuit someday.
Damn haha major cat 'FAIL'. Kitty's ears looking a little ragged.Funny

Good luck with the skydiving Travis hope you get to 'fly' someday. Serious adrenaline rush!