Let me bounce this off your noodles


XS400 Addict
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Alright. So I just snagged an 82 R65ls from a family member, which means the xs will be going under the knife this year and I have a question or two.

Engine work: what can I do to this thing? Any big bore potentials, or stroker kits? I've always liked running small cc bikes with big balls.

Suspension: I weigh 140 pounds soaking wet. I've debated running heavier fork springs and some high dollar shocks, but don't want to bite off more than I can chew with a bike that's stiffer than Ron Jeremy on taco Tuesday.
There was once a kit available from Germany but they're all long gone. Not many pistons are a match so some machining is always going to be required in addition to boring the cylinders. Possibly new sleeves required too.
I think 480cc might be as high as anyone here has gone.
See: http://www.xs400.com/threads/holy-grail-of-xs400-big-bore-pistons.9388/
There are a few other threads that'll come up with a search but that thread covers most of the options.
BBS that's a fantastic thread. From the sounds of it though, I'll probably toss in a 360 crank and be done with the motor work. Maybe stretch it out and have the head decked and a three angle valve job tossed into the mix. We'll see.

Sorry to always ask questions, but the search option doesn't like to work on my phone.. And the phones all I got now that I'm back working first shift.