N Korea


XS400 Guru
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Port Huron,Michigan
With all the threats Kim wang Pywang is making about launching missle do you think it will actualy happen?If it does where do you think it will be launched.Also do you think it will be intercepted by out advanced missle defence systems or will a nuclear war break out?
Hmmmm I start out alot with Hmmmm. Still thinking on that one. Since Before the Korean war there has not been enough intelligence about North Korea it seems. I hope & pray that there isn't an escalation in the rhetoric and bravado from Young Kim. He seems like the School yard midget who's been passed over again for a pickup game of soft ball. Who knows what he's capeable of with out giveing him a chance. I'm not advocateing a military engagement. I think we should work on brokering some sort of dialog weather it be from the US directly or even thru some other country young Kim would trust. OH Here's a thought Send Young Kim an irrevokeable invitation to visit with the late Hugo Chavez and they can compare notes. I know it sounds like I'm soft on the thought of fighting this guy but the fact is I'm of the thought process that war should be the last resort.
His father was a master at getting concessions from his enemies in return for not waging war - all without ever having to actually go to war.

Little Kim (like many failed "kings" and "Presidents-for life" who inherit a country from Daddy) seems to have Daddy issues. So, given the fact he a nuclear bomb or two, I would say he is dangerous since he could decide he has to do Daddy one better (which would mean actually warring).
With luck, the U.S. was just kidding when it said it would not develop the neutron bomb.
Well Kim Pwangy has backed himself in a corner now.I beleive he thinks he has no choice but to fire a missle at whatever target he has chosen.If its not deflected and inflicts injury in the south I beleive an all out war will break out although i hope it doesnt happen.If he launches an attack at the US we will defend ourselve but how is the ?
I was kinda thinking an emp would do the trick.Diabilitate their electrical grid should the trick by sending them back to dark ages.Kim wangy wouldnt have the power to launch any more missles for quite a long time.As I wrote my last responce they said on our national news they N Korea actualy may be more advanced in nuclear weopon technology that we thought.Another words we probaly new this already and its been leaked to the media.If this leader is crazy enough to launch a nuclear missle at us thats it it will go full scale.Obamma was on the tube saying that we will do anything to protect out people if put in danger by Kim wangys stupidity.
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