Need help with pay pal

give him your email address you use for paypal, get them to either send as gift (so they pay fees) or you have it as standard and you pay the fees.

paypal send you an email confirming the transaction has taken place.
Gosh dont know what took me so long to get my paypal back in order but Im glad I finaly did it.It had unresolved issues which occured just from it sitting in limbo for so long.
yea I used it for the first time not so long ago as well. It's really easy, happy I got it.
I don't think PayPal charges anyone fees if the payment is marked as a gift, but they won't resolve any issues that come up (such as the sender not receiving the item). So if you're buying, it's best to check the box for "I'm paying for goods or services" rather than "I'm sending money to family or friends". When you're buying you never pay fees as far as I know. The receiver of the payment pays fees when the payment is for goods or services.

So from the seller's side, you can just give them your email address on file with paypal and have them send you money. You can also request money with a simple form or send an itemized invoice to their email address. Once you're logged into paypal, just click the 'Request Money' tab.
For now on. Im going to pay all my bills online with my paypal.Its hooked up with the same debit card I use now.
Travis I did check the box Im paying for goods and services not the other one so thats good.