need some help with timing mark confusion!!

Alright so im back at it again. I took the valve cover off the top of the engine and am trying to confirm the camshaft and timng chain are correctly in place. I cant seem to find the answer to the following things.
- what position should the crankshaft be in when putting the timing chain on?
- what marks should i refer to while putting the chain on?
Any other tips would be great. I am 100 percent positve the top end was messed with by PO. :confused:

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SHE LIVES! Took the collar thingy that goes in front of the advancer and turned it 180 degrees and aparently it worked runs and idles quite nice too! Thanks man your a beast

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She lives! Runs awsome and idles too! Took the collar that goes over the advancer and fliped it over and that did the trick. Thanks for the help man :thumbsup:

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