Owner's manual info


XS400 Junkie
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV, USA
I received the Owner's Manual I bought off ebay for my 1980 XS400SG and found a couple interesting things as I looked through the manual:

*Recommended gasoline - regular
*Reserve capacity - 0.87 US gal
*"This bike equipped with tubeless tires" plus warning about non-tubeless rims
*Rear tire size 120/90x16 (also applies to 1981 models)
*Parking position on ignition switch that locks forks and turns on tail light
*Includes great wiring diagram
*Other useful bits of info (also found in service manuals)
Sweet! I am working on a 1980 xs400SG as my first motorcycle project. What is the UPS code for that book? Maker? title? have you scanned it yet (and if so,can I have a copy)?
Regular gas (oh-noo)
This is an original owner's manual - no longer available to purchase from Yamaha. I bought mine on ebay. If you search for one, you want one for an XS400SG with 1979 Copyright - printed in August '79 for the new '80 models. The number on the bottom right front cover is 3F9-28199-10.

Here's one on ebay for a good price but a little smudged. Remember, it is an Owner's Manual, not a full service manual.


There has been debate about which grade gas to use. I found it interesting that the manual recommends regular. Not that much of a surprise as the compression ratio isn't really that high. Personally, I use Shell mid-grade gas. Our mid-grade is now $4.19.9 !!!
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I sure love to get my hands on a copy for my 1980 XS400 model. Any ideas besides ebay? I am still learning this site.
I sure love to get my hands on a copy for my 1980 XS400 model. Any ideas besides ebay? I am still learning this site.

My best recommendation to source an Owner's Manual for your 1980 is ebay. Sometimes the manuals are listed for the wrong year. You have to go by the year code "G". The manual for 1980 models has a print date of 1979 and some sellers confuse this as being for a 1979 model.