Please get off the cell phone!


XS400 Enthusiast
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This took place at my work a while back, customer was driving in, cell phone in his (your kid) lap, looking down at it doing God knows what, not looking at my employee, and bam right in the pit! Now I am attached to my smart phone almost constantly, the one exception however is while behind the wheel! This is a funny outcome to foolish decision,( besides the $250 it cost to pull it out) but hitting someone on a motorcycle or even onother car on the road would be tragic! Spring is almost here so please watch out for drivers on there phone, reading, eating, putting on makeup, basically anything but looking at the road!
"has gone viral, garnering nearly 1,000 shares on Facebook as of Wednesday afternoon."

wow that's viral, only 1000 shares!!
Yeah, I'm in DC. Everybody is on their phones. They need to redesign all cars in my area so the turn signal is able to be used by the right hand, cause everybody holds their phones with their left.
Ouch that had to hurt.REcently I have had people just come at me out of nowhere and pull out of nowhere.Luckily I had a place to swerve narrowly missing the other idiot.
not so bad in my part of GA. but the other day i was riding and a guy in a little GMC Jimmy talking on his phone and drinking a PBR, or other, almost hit me. good thing i was on my enduro, i just hit the side of the road and kept going. looking in my mirror i saw him pulling over. drove back by going home from the grocery store and saw two cops with him on the side of the road and a tow truck. looked like the cops were where they needed to be that day.
Here its a 300 fine if your caught talking or texting. reading doing makeup or operating gps even eating can get you a fine. they lump it all under distracted driving.
They have fines and such here in Michigan also but theres so many drivers and not enough law enforcement to enforce the people who are breaking the law