Throttle cable


XS400 Enthusiast
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La Jolla, CA
could somebody please take a picture of where their throttle cable is connected to their carburetors? Mine is in the middle of the two carbs and its kinda hard to link up the throttle cable in between the two carbs and whenever i see pictures of 34's it seems like it is supposed to come in on the side?
The linkage connector is in the middle of the two carbs.Its connected on the right hand side carb.There will be a hole for the end of the cable to go through then a slot for the cable and holder or guide from the top of the cable that has a metal end.

....and these are NOT my carbs....can't have anyone thinking that.

Cable sheath is held where the arrow is. The cable end slides into that "L" shaped bracket below. Get slack in the cable, slide the round part of the cable end in with the cable sliding in through the slot in the side of the bracket. when the cable end is in place, the cable will rotate around towards the top. Then, and only then, slide the cable through the slot in the bracket by the arrow.