9 digit VIN


XS400 New Member
Reaction score
Edwardsville, KS
Hi everyone. I'm the newby here. I was recently given, as in free, an xs400. Our intentions are to customize it so I can ride. I'm having one he'll of a time figuring out what year this bike is since it has a 9 digit VIN. I've come to the conclusion that it's pre 1981 but that really doesn't do anything for me. Also, the motor is locked up. Would you recommend complete rebuild of the current motor or just buy another one that runs? As it is now it's a numbers matching bike. Thanks in advance...and wish me luck!!!:banghead:
Here she is in all her glory!!!


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Personally, I like to tinker...So, I would suggest you rebuild the engine yourself. If you have any mechanical skills, it's a good way to get acquainted with the major bits of your bike. Plus, you might find out it's not locked up as bad as you thought. (ie: mine sat almost 30 years in the corner of a barn with no spark plugs. A short wd40 soak in the cylinders had the motor free and running in a couple hours.)

As for the vin, there is a bunch of info here:


There are also service manuals to download at the top of "The Garage" portion of the forum, which will help you determine if you are up to the task of rebuilding.

Oh, and, good luck.
Called the DMV today. Found out I can title it as a special build....but I can't do it until next year. We're pretty sure this is an 81 and anything 35 years or older they will issue a "new" title for and still allow me to keep it as an 81.