Greetings from Denmark.


XS400 New Member
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Many greetings from the land of the Vikings.
I found this site today while I was researching a bike to build for my teenage son.
I have just finished building my current bike project and I am now looking for something else to build.
I like the style of the XS400s and I think it will be a great bike for my son to start him bike building .
I dont like the way he lusts after my bikes so its time he built his own.:thumbsup:
I can see you are in BC which is a place I visited and loved 30 yrs ago.
Right now I live in Denmark and prices are cheap but bikes are rare.
My plan is to drive down to Germany because thes bikes were very popular and good donor bikes can be found for a good price.
I went to see a guy at the weekend who had 2 XS400s for sale and a Triumph Thunderbird from 1955 that he wanted to sell as a bundle.
He was way out of my price range so I am still searching.
This is my current project that just needs wiring up ,a tank of gas.
Its/was a 1994 Honda NX650 Dominator with a Wiseco piston fitted and a whole bunch off other goodies too.
