The 50$ special


XS400 Enthusiast
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British Columbia
So im starting a new thread in regards to my 50$ xs400. I dont know alot about this bike other than it sat for a "few years" This bike has consumed me, I've only had it for 2 days now, and its all I can think about! Thank god for this site, I'm on here at least 3 times a day, checking for exellent info, and scoping out others awsome builds!:thumbsup: what ive done so far is removed and cleaned the carbs and put abit of fresh gas in the tank to check for leaks. All is well in that dept. I hooked up a 12v battery from my truck, and this seems to be enough, for it to power the head light, turn signals, brake light, and starter. If I turn the ignition on, and turn the kill switch to run, the press the starter button, nothing happens. so i put in a push button switch straight across the batt. leads on the solenoid. when I push this button the engine cranks over strong. when i pulled the spark plugs out, hooked to the coil and grounded to the engine block, I have no spark. Changed the coils... still nothing. Plugs look brand new to me? Thats where Im at. Sorry this was so long winded (couple of beers):thumbsup:
thats fine dude no worries on the long posts. just look at hardtailed's responses when it comes to technical stuff. lol the more info the better. for the questions and the answers. i saw you needed i pic of where the strut was mounted. which strut are you talking about? stock or where his hardtail meets the backbone? i was trying not the hijack his thread.
could be the ignition switch, if your by passing that to run the starter, the coils won't be getting a 12v supply. if you get a wiring diagram, you can by pass the switch just to get sparks. don't leave them on for longer than 10 secs without a spark or the coils will burn out.
Oh, so I talk too much, huh? haha Oh well...

I would take Drewpy's advice, but you can also check the points too. Also, check for resistance in the wire running from the points and condenser to the coils.

Short and sweet! lol
well I found out why I was getting no spark, turns out both coils have bit the big green weiner, I found this out by getting a proper digital volt meter and testing like they said in the manual. Hmmmmm.. I think my 50$ special is gonna start costing me money!
well I found out why I was getting no spark, turns out both coils have bit the big green weiner, I found this out by getting a proper digital volt meter and testing like they said in the manual. Hmmmmm.. I think my 50$ special is gonna start costing me money!
Dude, join the crowd! lol You should look into aftermarket coils since you have to replace them anyways. Maybe check into some Dyna coils or the like.
It really sucks cause I found a donner bike and those coils were pooched also! I geuss im S.O.L for awhile till I find something, or win the lotto!!
Just a quick update on the 50$ special, lowered the ass end about 2 1/2", rolled the rear fender into the frame abit, made new mounts for that, then mounted the front of tank on top of the existing mounts by making some new mounts, had to peen the tank as the triples hit after i did this, but its ok now lock to lock! found some different bars from a honda cb somthing, 550 maybe? They work for me. still no coils yet, so it just sits there looking preaty. so thats it for now
welded the tabs on, then ground them down, little smear of filler and a bit of sanding, im preatty happy with it. and ya, I just cut the springs, and removed the goofy chrome covers, Im not that heavy and theres still like 2" of travel with me on the bike , so it should be ok. Im in the process of selling my boat, to make money for the other toys, like the 400, so hopefully this will get running soon. wish I could keep all the toys but.....!
Emglo makes aftermarket coils for cheap,work on 6v or 12v systems.I think that I got the coil at Bike Bandit.It works well on my Dt400 dirt bike,or maybe someone is parting out a bike at the classified section on this site.....lha
What's involved in removing the chrome covers from the springs? I was actually looking at mine today and wondering if it could be done or if the spring sat inside the top of the cover thing.
What's involved in removing the chrome covers from the springs? I was actually looking at mine today and wondering if it could be done or if the spring sat inside the top of the cover thing.

easy enough, hardest part is compressing the spring to push down the cover to get to the 12mm lock nut. then its a case of unscrewing the top mount and taking off the cover.

refit without the cover!
What's involved in removing the chrome covers from the springs? I was actually looking at mine today and wondering if it could be done or if the spring sat inside the top of the cover thing.
It's not too hard to do,I just redid mine on my dirt bike and used a ratcheting tie-down to compress the springs.Then at least on mine,older ones,the retainer just came off,but from what Drewpy said,you've got a bolt retaining yours.My '82 seca has mono-shock,so I don't know how yours work,but a spring is a spring....lha
just an update on the 50$ special... this is what it looks like now, I think im liking it. made my own seat, and took the badges off the tank and side covers. still need to find the rite brake light and some smaller turn signals. Got my coils, a new battery and fixed the fuse box abortion that the PO did. Running a bit lean I think, but it is running! I;ll try and post a video later, if I can figure out how! Well whatcha think?


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