Well It's Been a Fun Time Everyone, But....

Really sorry to hear this, but glad to hear you are relatively ok. I can only imagine how pissed off you were/are, especially because you worked so hard on that bike. Most important is you are still with us but it must be so frustrating to see the bike get wrecked like that. Don't give up on bikes man, if you love something you should keep doing it especially if you are good at it.
Just wanted to say too that your bike was an inspiration.
I'm planning to do that gear indicator mod. Also just bought one of those oil filter conversion plates that you used. Wasn't sure how it'd work with that protrusion in the case but reread your thread and the bit about modifying the plate to fit.
Might throw on a filter relocator and oil cooler.
Uff it was freezing to read your story, glad to hear that you made it and best luck to get well soon! You bike was inspiration, hopefully you will follow with that passion and skill later, when you will recover also mentally from that experience. Everybody says that motorcycles are very dangerous, but the truth is - cars, and bad drivers are most dangerous thing for motorcyclist.
Thanks everyone. The encouragement and kind words are much appreciated!

Can't comment specifically about my current status due to legalities, but I can say that more things came up obviously in the days following. Currently undergoing treatments to help out. I'll survive, that's what matters most.

On a side note, I just got done collecting all of my receipts. Much to my amazement, I saved almost everything. Missing about 4 or 5 receipts for big price items, and probably a few random receipts for nuts and bolts bought locally. I spent way more on this build than I originally estimated. For those that jump into these builds without much thought, here's an eye opener for you-

Est. value of lost parts used from original bike- $710
Lost parts bought for custom build- $10,714.36
Gear lost (jacket, armor, helmet)- $784.77

Total Loss of Property- $12,209.13

Remember, that's missing quite a bit of small parts, and being very conservative on the price of original XS parts used.

Also, That doesn't include the cost of my labor, which is next on the list of things to figure out. Will need to write up my build log, supply photos and my parts list, and send it off to the one or two places in the world that know what went into this type of build in order to get a labor estimate.

What a mess.
Some of those numbers sound low to me. $700 for the bike? I guess that might be reasonable, depending on the condition of the bike when you got it. Less than $800 in gear? That sounds real low to me. Maybe because my jacket cost about that? But, I've got almost $2k USD into gear, so my perspective may be skewed...

Double check, then triple check your numbers. Don't be conservative either. The insurance company wasn't conservative when charging you the premiums for the policy. With custom work, labour is often 2 to 3 times the parts cost. Take your time and don't let the insurance company pressure you. It is common for them to make you an offer quickly in an effort to get you to sign off. Don't. I learned the hard way after a car crash that injuries can manifest months or even years afterwards. I also found that a Chiropractor can be very helpful documenting injuries that doctors don't see, and also in the recovery process.

I hope your recovery is quick and reasonably painless. Those physio people can be merciless. Don't show them any weakness!
Only thing left on the bike that was original was frame, motor, regulator, rectifier, a few fasteners, some rear brake parts, and the motor mounts. All other parts were purchased after the fact and included in the parts list/receipts. I just tossed $700 out there based on what I've seen titled frames go for and working motors.

I thought my jacket was expensive compared to most, you must have me beat! :D It's the Roland Sand Ronin. Force-field armor was another $100 bones. Helmet was a high-end cheapo, HJC CL-17, $120 or so at the time I purchased. Pants, gloves, boots took no damage at all somehow, so can't claim them.

I've been writing up my labor estimate over the past few hours, it's a long list and I feel bad for anyone who has to read it lol. I'm not skipping anything.

I do have a lawyer, and he knows I won't take anything less than what I've put into it. He said it shouldn't be a problem. The at-faults insurance are a bunch of nimrods though.... It's like talking to a rock when trying to explain the bike.
I have full collision on all my bikes with a agreed value already stated. If they ever get wrecked it's all covered. To add this to my insurance it only cost me a few more dollars.
Man...I cant belive my eyes...Glad to hear you are alive! Anyway...It hurts to see your bike in this condition :( I was looking forward to see your results on the track :( Maybe some dyno results. I wish you fast recovery Wolfe!
Yes, agreed value from your own insurance company is the only way to go. Hindsight is always 20/20 as they say. I know now to always get that coverage since you can't rely on the at-faults insurance.

No go-fund me charity needed bros, all my stuff will be covered in the end
Wow! I'm very glad to hear you're alright. I wish you a speedy recovery, and fast bone knitting. Hope you ride again in the future.