Smoking cigs UUGH!

i was a very heavy smoker for over 25 years who never once tried seriously to quit, i enjoyed it so much. now, all i use is an e-cig and find them much more satisfying than tobacco cigarettes. i seriously doubt i'll ever smoke an analog again. the difference is what i use versus what you tried and didn't like. i also tried those little 'cig-a-like' pieces of shit and they SUCK. an average smoker could never be expected to switch to using those in place of real cigarettes. what you have to do is research a little and spend a little money. the good ones can be pricey up front but if you stick with them you'll quickly end up spending a lot less than you did for cigarettes. advanced e-cigs can be a hugely confusing subject when you first start looking into them so i would be more than happy to give you a solid head start if you're interested. the technology is constantly making big leaps and the industry is so new that there isn't yet the typical handful of companies that have floated to the top. the benefits are huge. i don't stink, cough, wheeze, get short of breath, have trouble with smell and taste, annoy people, ever have to go outside to do it or worry about my health nearly as much. i tell people that "i got to quit smoking without having to quit smoking". Nicotine might be highly addictive but its risks are not widely accepted as serious. doctors even prescribe it for some issues. send me a PM if you want to know more.


and that full pack of smokes, (for reference), doesn't even tempt me.
I feel your pain scorpio, im only 20 but ive been smoking for 5 years. yeah I know I fucked up. I wish I could quit. always say I will but it only lasts a week and im really irritable. I end up smoking more of something else to compensate, and vise versa whenever I have to quit that for awhile. everybody has their vises I guess. good luck, ill be watching to see what works/doesn't. at least for you.
Thats the thing I have been smoking since I was 17 and now Im almost 50.When I stop smoking I eat more then I put on weight.Im already fat enough LOL.I weigh 210 at 5,11.Granite alot is of it is muscle But the mid section sticks out way to much for my liking:yikes:.I smoke way to much probaly 2 packs a day equivelent.
Valcome I started out at a half a pack a day,then I went through the part phase and smoked up to 3 packs sometimes.I even smoke nonfilters for quite a while.Then its been between a pack and pack and half.Now i roll my own they burn faster than regular store brand cigs and I wouldnt doubt if Im up to 2 and half packs a day.My life is too stressful and smoking is my outlet.The problem is replacing cigs as that outlet for something thats more healthier.I regret ever starting smoking.