New Carbys on FleaBay

Well, they're not the stock BS34 carbs. Those look like flat slide carbs, yea? The issue I see with using other than stock carbs is getting them linked together properly. For example, with the VM "round slide" carbs, you need a split throttle cable cause the throttle pulls are on the top of the carbs, not on the side like the stockers.

You can make anything work, but the question is how much work will it take.
Look on the xs650 site and you'll see some of them setup with round slide carbs as well as flat slide carbs.I have thought about converting as these carbs ,in my opinion,are problematic.I have some carbs from a Kawa 900,that work on a pivot system for the slides,and look like they would work well. You should have no problem with finding a 1 to 2 cable. lha
Yeah I have checked the xs650 site. I thought that some forum members could be interested in these carbs as they are NOS parts.
Hopefully my carbs just need a good clean and re-jetting which I plan on doing in the next couple of weeks.
not flatsides, vm's to me as they use diaphrams to lift the main needle.

flatsides are race carbs and snap open the engine revs as the needle is raised by the throttle cable!
When I looked at the post,the picture wasn't working,and now it is.I can see that they are the same type as came on these bikes.They do have ,I guess vacuum spigots coming out of the sides,and mine['82 seca]doesn't have.I still don't like the vacuum operated slides.I suppose I like simplicity,old fashioned,I guess. lha
I saw these during some late night web trawling. I haven't been able to find much info based on the manufacture number in the pictures. The price seems pretty good. What do people think.?

Check these out for the Honda Rebel. With a manifold fabbed-up I wonder how they could work out. I think they are already synchronized or very easy to set up as they are new factory parts. Adjusting idle and upper end performance may not be drop in however if it even works at all. NEW Under $100.
look like 30 or 32mm carbs, but they will give more low end torque having faster airflow.

they will also need brackets making as they are too narrow!