Scorpio is not gone


XS400 Guru
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Port Huron,Michigan
For those who may be wondering why I havent been here for a week my internet has been down since last Friday.My modem took a crap on me and I have been getting slammed by a low land Gorrilla from comcast.
Im also going to be having knee surgery tomorrow and will be in the hospital for 2-3 days for recovery.Wish me well
Well first of all I finaly got my internet back via a new a new modem.Unfortunately the surgery couldnt be done because there was something wrong with the preop rtest results.I have a very high number of white blood cell counts and sinus infection.So the surgery will be done in March.Another thing is for some reason all my fast good computers took a crap on me over the last week and Im great full to have back ups so at least I can get back on the web.7 days without the internet when your used to having it 24-7 sucked,Id rather go without tv than internet:laugh:Anyways guys Im glad to back and able to partcipate here again.:D
I hope the anti-biotics do the trick - sinus infections can be stubborn.
You'll want to be ready for March so you can ride in April - there's bound to be a warm day or 2 before May, even this winter!
I was hoping the doc could reschedule in a week not half a month.Its going to take several weeks for rehab.I just want to get it done and over with asap.:(
I have decided to post pone the knee surgery indefinitely since I have found out that it could take as long as 3 months to heal up and be able to walk with any assistance.Since springs is getting close it would june by the time Im fully healed.Im just going to tolerate the pain until I cant stand it anymore then go one from there.I have to much work that has been put hold cause of the severe winter that I need to finish up.If anything I`ll have another arthroscopy done to clean out the athritus with will only st me back a couple to 3 weeks.I cant afford the time off right now.If I can make it till next winter I`ll have the replacement done then.I want to be able to ride my bike and I have to mamouth projects I want to complete by the time cold weather comes again at the end of the year.